Oooh! That's tough bro!! D; why don't you do extra stuff like working ? Maybe not an actual job but neighborhood chores and things.
IMO, it all depends on the meaning of the song or the context. If its random swearing, dropping f-bombs for no apparent reason, then its just bullcrap If it has meaning and actual emotion, then it gives the song for depth. It makes it so that you can feel the singers emotions and understand it. Edit: sorry. More* not for
Not much. Just getting ready to go somewhere. Hbu ?
Yup yup "you've been hanging out in darkness too long"
The Distance by Cake
Yeah :3 probably will
Biggest KH fanboy/fangirl Most Unique Biggest hipster Most insightful
Yeah :P sounds good bro :3
Hello by Evanescence
Maybe. Probably.
I wanna see how long it's gonna take, cause holy glob they move fast!
Well said. I agree with this for the most part.
Ah. I don't like rave, most electronica, most techno, and most dubstep to be honest though. But nightcore did have some pretty beast dance songs.
I don't like rave music, but dubstep isn't exactly rave music. I liked it when I heard it for the first few times, then I realized, you can only be so creative with it. It gets old, overrated, and recycled. Same bass drop breakdown. Kinda like with mainstream metalcore bands. Their breakdowns sound the same. But it's worse with dubstep.
Ah that sucks!
What happened to your phone ?
Pretty good(: playing KH again heh. How bout you ?
Well let's see. He's referring to Donald, Goofy, Mickey, Riku, and himself. That's five. The number six isn't Roxas...right ? He didn't know who Roxas was at that point. Did he mean Kairi ? Or Jiminy ? My guess is one of those two. It's not Namine because he forgot about her. Perhaps he meant Yen Sid ? Hmm nah. I haven't played it in a while so I might go back in the cutscene archive here to take a look again.
Thanks you guys!(:
Alrighty then :3