The King ? "Roxas, that's a stick.."
Soul is worth at least 100 kitties
Trolololo/10 "your lips look so lonely, would they like to meet mine ?"
This made me smile c:
Any other khv members with braces ? just got my train tracks and spacers a few weeks ago. They really compliment my acne and awkwardness around people -.- haha nah, I love my smile now(: surprisingly, the braces boost my confidence.
Yeah I have(: haha it's really good..kind of underrated though IMO!
Ooh I see now o: Im from the US and in my school, we had these tracks. We weren't a traditional summer vacation school. We went to school during summer too and had weeks off throughout the year. LOL I remember always being so confused when I was little when I saw summer break stuff on tv. I was like o.O that's soo weird haha..anyways sorry for telling you my life story haha! ^^'
I do not know you, but I'm glad you've returned so that I may welcome you back!:3 I too am a returning member came back two days ago. Hope to see you around!!^^
That stinks :c where are you from ?
9000+/10 "do you happen to have an identical twin ? No ? Then you really are the most beautiful girl in the universe!"
Haha..I see..what you did there. Anywho, it's nice to meet you :3
That amazing moment when you finally get the chance to go pee after holding it in for so long.. Btw I think they have animal shelters with rabbits...not specifically a rabbit shelter but close enough :3
Dorks are cool though(: haha
Tiny Heart by Flyleaf
Herro fellow players...I'm gabby c: Wow everyone does it so quickly o:
Oh otay :3 have you posted at all yet ?
How much money do you think you could make with selling that ?
Paramore - The Only Exception
Hmmm. Do you have anything to sell maybe ?