Most down to earth ?
The Cave by Mumford & Sons
Better than Beibs
Hehe. Its also in the actual movie though spoken slightly different..I know the whole thing by heart c: anyways that was off topic!!! "So go on keep running! But I'll always be there to bring you back!"
Miss You by Foster the People
Thank you c: I watched the first five minutes so far, I like a very minty christmas better but this seems cool:p
Ventussaurus-Rex c:
Oh *derp* Dr Finklestein ?
A lot of pony fans here...I've never seen the actual Friendship is magic show it fun ? Cause I feel like I'm missing out lol
Yao lol that line cracks me up... To Ventus, it's Peter pan I think ? "such is the power of the keyblade. The childs strength is not his own"
Mama by MCR is one of my favorite songs, and there are some swears toward the end. It gives it the vibe that the artist is going for, unlike some artists who swear just because they can.
Okay you are officially a beast. I love Sufjan Stevens!!!! Illinoise was a great album.. Anyway, I'm listening to The Sun by Portugal the Man
Schorwa ? That's Donald definitely haha. When Sora sacrifices himself for Kairi in KH "One who knows nothing can understand nothing"
"he said to..he said to take two grown-ups..*disappointed face*"
OoOo by Oberhofer
Almost at 250 posts already ? You guys rock at this haha!
I still have my old furbies..I don't bring them out though, cause last time it tried to spit acid in my eyes and then started making Exorcist noises
Haha it's the same with me, only I have my hair short now (I had it like ugly Betty's before) and I didn't wear glasses til I was 10...anyways, Ugly Betty is a sexy beast. Be proud.
It's okay(: I apologize too for not reading the post numbers lol ^^' Anyways, thanks for the apology I appreciate it. You too, and good luck with...
Yay!:3 braces buddiesss