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  1. Riku-Sama's Shadow
    Don't Go by Bring Me the Horizon
    Post by: Riku-Sama's Shadow, Jun 30, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  2. Riku-Sama's Shadow
    I like minecraft :3
    On a side note, Me thinks Dinny should post here more.
    Post by: Riku-Sama's Shadow, Jun 30, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  3. Riku-Sama's Shadow
    I Don't Care if You're Contagious by Pierce the Veil
    Post by: Riku-Sama's Shadow, Jun 30, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  4. Riku-Sama's Shadow
    Big spoilers if you don't know how DDD ends!! I warned you!!
    Well, in the end Sora goes off to get stronger I think. Because he didn't pass. Riku did though, and now Yen Sid wants Kairi to learn to use her keyblade so that she can defend herself in war/battle.

    So we might have yet another filler before the story finally moves up. But hey, at least we know he's working on it.

    At least..that's what I understood from watching it on YT.
    Post by: Riku-Sama's Shadow, Jun 30, 2012 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  5. Riku-Sama's Shadow
    Jfkignfljsngljrifk baby Cloud!! How adorable!<3

    I shall try and post a pic or two when I use my computer. I'm using mobile right now. Bleh
    Post by: Riku-Sama's Shadow, Jun 30, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  6. Riku-Sama's Shadow
    Have Faith in Me by A Day to Remember
    Post by: Riku-Sama's Shadow, Jun 30, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  7. Riku-Sama's Shadow
    Lol I almost said dr Finklestein! That's one of his lines in the actual movie haha fail...anyway, it's Tifa referring to Cloud.

    "Once I get rid of you the darkness will go away"
    Post by: Riku-Sama's Shadow, Jun 30, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  8. Riku-Sama's Shadow
    Easy. Seifer talking to the TT gang.

    "I've come to take something you hold very dear"
    Post by: Riku-Sama's Shadow, Jun 29, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  9. Riku-Sama's Shadow
    Profile Post

    Very fun:b

    Very fun:b
    Profile Post by Riku-Sama's Shadow for Hiro ✩, Jun 29, 2012
  10. Riku-Sama's Shadow
    Oh! *facepalm* how could I forget that! Xehanort in birth by sleep. Referring to Ventus. I thought sora was like four at that point though ?
    Oh well.

    Here's one of my favorites, "..sometimes you are such a girl"
    Post by: Riku-Sama's Shadow, Jun 29, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  11. Riku-Sama's Shadow
  12. Riku-Sama's Shadow
    Profile Post

    Haha(: whats up ?

    Haha(: whats up ?
    Profile Post by Riku-Sama's Shadow for Hiro ✩, Jun 29, 2012
  13. Riku-Sama's Shadow
    Yes, I know but thank you anyway. I'm on mobile touch screen though, and whenever I try to do so the message that has the insert URL space slides away. It's kinda hard to explain. I catch it with my fingers and then it slides to the bottom corner so that I can't insert the video link. Grr.
    Post by: Riku-Sama's Shadow, Jun 29, 2012 in forum: Music
  14. Riku-Sama's Shadow
    I'm stumped..hmm. Which game is it from ?
    Post by: Riku-Sama's Shadow, Jun 29, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  15. Riku-Sama's Shadow
    Lovely song. Here's one that I have grown to love.

    The name of the band is Hawkboy
    Post by: Riku-Sama's Shadow, Jun 29, 2012 in forum: Music
  16. Riku-Sama's Shadow
    Dr Finklestein to Sora in CoM. Easily one of my favorite CoM quotes.

    "He messes with your head - makes you think darkness is the only way"
    Post by: Riku-Sama's Shadow, Jun 29, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  17. Riku-Sama's Shadow
    I don't have one set favorite, but one I love is Frozen Creek by Circa Survive
    Post by: Riku-Sama's Shadow, Jun 29, 2012 in forum: Music
  18. Riku-Sama's Shadow
    I think almost everyone who has fully played Crisis Core or FF7 agrees that Zack's death was sad and heartfelt. I think the Japanese version was better, but either way, how could you NOT feel the power of that scene ? Haha. Another sad moment was the moment where Angeal gave Zack the Buster Sword T.T
    <3Crisis Core
    Post by: Riku-Sama's Shadow, Jun 29, 2012 in forum: Gaming
  19. Riku-Sama's Shadow


    As a Native American, Mexican-American, Russian, and Spanish mixture, I get picked on constantly by my white friends and peers. They call me "wetback" "field worker" "field slave" "minority" and tell me to go "mow the lawn" "stick to making burritos" "get back to the field" and more.
    I've also been told I look Asian or Filipino, so people call me "*****" and "Asian *******" and other things of that sort.
    As a Californian, I know there's a lot more racism down south and that there are a lot of Mexicans and Hispanics in my state due to its origins.
    But is this necessary ? There are students in my school that are African-American, Asian, and Mexican that always get made fun of. People say they "jumped the border" and spit racial slurs at them, calling them the "n" word, "black b1tches", and "Chinese-looking-*******s"Nothing is done about it. There is a stop bullying club in my school, but the bullying continues to grow worse. What do you think of this ?
    Thread by: Riku-Sama's Shadow, Jun 29, 2012, 6 replies, in forum: Discussion
  20. Riku-Sama's Shadow
    Alt-J and Dry the River. Amazing music. Quite underrated though.
    Post by: Riku-Sama's Shadow, Jun 29, 2012 in forum: Music