OOC:I'm leaving tonight to see batman, so the fight will have to wait till tomorrow.
OOC:Its ok. That was just a lot of words for saying that I have no clue who are next opponents are.
OOC:Not yet. It also depends on what we are fighting in the second round as much as who. Norse gods, Bortherhood, heartless, new enemies? I don't really know. That stuff is usually up to Darknight. However, if he has nothing planned, then I will try to think of something. But three more matches still aren't finished yet in the first round (Mine, Wing, and Nulix), so let's wait just a little bit.
OOC:That might be it for today from me. It will take me some time to think up the next section. Though I still might be able to think it up before the day is over.
*Hearing the cheering of the crowds at the end of the match, Darxess awoke, immediately looking in every direction to try and find out what all the racket was* *Darxess looked at the dust covered arena* Darxess:"Ah. So Xane won his match. I was begining to think that it was never going to end." *Darxess stretched and yawn* Darxess:"That was a nice little nap." *Darxess jumped up in his seat, followed by the stares of the people sitting around him* Darxess:"ITS FINALLY MY TURN TO FIGHT!!" *Darxess immediately ran down the seats, jumping over people as he went, and leaped into the arena* *Darxess looked at the board on the wall* Darxess:"So..........who was my opponent again?" *Darxess heard a gruff, battle-hardened voice behind him* Aires:"Me. Apparently, you have no luck at all. You just got pared up with the most powerful god in existance!" (OOC:I know he's not the most powerful, but Aires is arrogant and believes that he is) *Darxess turned around* Darxess:"Is that so? What about Zeus or Thor or anyone else?" Aires:"Fool! I am the strongest! I am the god of war!" Darxess:"Ok. If you say so........" *Darxess put his arms behind his head in a relaxed state* Darxess:"By the way, you're one of the gods, so you must be one of the judges. what do you think of our Organization's performance so far?" Aires:"I think you all a bunch of rag-tagged group of weakling that have won so far only by luck and will be put out like the vermain they are before this tournament ends." *Aires crosses his arms* Aires:"And, I think you should step out of the ring before you hurt yourself, old man." *Darxess disappeared* *Aires began laughing* Aires:"Run you coward! *laughs again* No one can stand up to the might of the god of war!" *Darxess reappeared behind Aires, his skythe drawn up against Aires's throat* Darxess:"People should learn to respect their elders." *And with one quick movement, Aires was brought to the ground* *The whole crowded just stared in silence* *Darxess walked away, putting away his skythe with a smug look on his face* *Of course, that smile didn't last long after it got hit by a fist the size of his head* *Darxess was knocked 3/4 of the distance of the arena in the air* *He landed and skidded the final fourth of the distance* *Darxess wound have skidded off the arena itself if he didn't summon his skythe at the last moment and stabbed it into the ground for support* *His whole lower body dangling off the edge, Darxess slowly dragged himself up* *When he finally got up, he saw Aires in a full blown rage stading on the opposite end of the arena* Aires:"YOU FOOL! I AM A GOD! THE GOD OF WAR! I CAN NOT BE BEATEN!" *Aires clenches his fists, slowly regaining some composure* Aires:"You should have just gave up and fell. Now, I'm going to have to hurt you." *Aires drawn out a massive burning sword and got into a battle stance* *Darxess grabbed his skythe from the ground and did the same* *Nearly the entire crowd held its breath* *There was total silence* *The silence before the storm*
OOC:I'll admit, I'm having writer's block on my fight, so it might be a while before I post it.
*Darxess leaned over to Xardius* Darxess:"You forget. Everybody thinks we're the enemy. Us nobodies are loathed by a everyone..........And so, many different people have taken up the saying:"The enemy of my enemy is my friend." Thus even going as far to work with all sorts of unscrupulous characters to get rid of us......Now, of course, its possible that The Brotherhood isn't ruling with as much of an iron fist as we thought, but I'm afraid thats not the only reason why they're so well liked. Everyone wants dead. We'll have many enemies in this competition. Watch your back and sleep with one eye open."
OOC:Well, Darxess is supposed to have a fight too and he isn't doing anything either, so don't worry too much about it.
Oops, sorry. :(
I found a vid of it, if any else would like to see it. CATION:MAY CAUSE HEADACHES/SIEZURES. BRIGHT FLASHING LIGHTS. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0868SzySkHM
Indeed...... You should. The opening ceremony isn't really about sports. The opening ceremony could best be described as one big party, and the Chinese are pulling it off with style.
Yeah. The Chinese pulled off some insane stuff, didn't they?
Anyone watching it?
OOC:I wouldn't suggest you underestimate Hermes too much, he does have a few aces of his sleve, so to speak. I can pm you about some of the abilities I have planned up for him if you want me to.
OOC:Sorry I wasn't on.......had to register for school.
OOC:Good fight so far. *Darxess watched the fight with, nearly trembleling with a mix of nervousness and excitement* *He fight was coming up soon* *Darxess only hoped he would be ready* *Aires was no pushover*
*Darxess watched what was happening and smiled* Darxess:"I admire your loyalty, Xane. But be careful. She can be very dangerous."
OOC:Utter chaos, my friend. Try to think not of such thoughts. It scares me. :laughing-smiley-004 EDIT: Darn, just missed Hidden.
OOC:Ok, I sent you a pm.
OOC:Alright. but I still think Aphrodite is a good opponent for you, if you would like me to explain it to you in a pm.