OOC:Yup, as soon as I find a way to wrap it up.
OOC:Sorry. My dad is a teacher at the school, and I don't have a license yet, so he is the only one who can take me home, and there was a meeting that last until 6:00........I just now was able to get on the computer, after starring at a wall, more or less, for the past 3 hours.
OOC:Have to go to school now. :(
OOC:School is tomorrow, so I have to go to bed early. :( Goodnight.
OOC:Birthday is today, school is tomorrow. It's possible that this might be the last time you see me on for quite a bit.
OOC:Oops. You're right. *Goes back to quick change* EDIT:Alright, I'm back now.
OOC:I'll continue my fight when I think of what happens next. What do you think of it so far?
*Darxess and Aires clashed blow after blow in a dangerous dance of death* *He could feel Wing's consciousness slipping* *Wing had lost his fight* Darxess:"What the hell happened?" *While Darxess had his head turned, trying to see what happened, Ares landed a solid cut deep into Darxess's left arm, rendering it useless* *Darxess yelled out in pain* Ares:"You should really keep your thoughts on the battle, old man. This match is already easy enough as it is without you trying or not." *Darxess jumped back away to from Ares and fell to his knees* Ares:"What? Giving up already? About time, old man." *Darxess just smiled* *He was going to enjoy this* *Using his still working right arm, he slammed it into the ground, causing a large spike to rise up from Ares feet and smack him right in the bottom of his chin* *It hit dead on, causing Aires to cough blood slightly* *Ares dropped his sword* Darxess:"This "old man" still has a few tricks up his sleeve." Ares:"You should not have done that." *Ares eyes glowed red, and he engulfed himself in fire* Ares:"Now I'll show you the true power of the gods!" *Ares shouted out a raging battle cry and quickly grew to covering half of the entire arena in his shear size, leaving Darxess by himself in a small corner* *Ares spoke in a loud, booming voice* Ares:"THIS IS WHERE IT ENDS, OLD MAN! I'LL CRUSH YOU LIKE THE BUG THAT YOU ARE!" *Darxess gulped* Darxess:"This may be a problem." *Ares summoned a large warhammer* Ares:"NOW DIE!!"
This image gives me nightmares.
Yeah, I'll admit that those were much better shows.
Poor Leonidas..... EDIT: Did I already win?
What about the show? That's the intro lyrics.
Through soil he did crawl Earthworm Jim, A super suit did fall. Jim was just a dirt eating, Chewing length of worm, flash But all that came to a crash And gave him lots of power Earthworm Jim, He's such a groovy guy Earthworm Jim, He rockets through the sky Cruising through the universe Having lots of fun, Here comes Earthworm Jim you know That he's the mighty one --- Look out --- la la la la la, la la la la la, la la la.... Despite his great big muscles And his really big ray gun, Jim is still an Earthworm But then he's the only one, With a super suit to make him really super strong, Jim can be a winner if we only sing along... (alright) Earthworm Jim, We think he's mighty fine Earthworm Jim, A hero for all time Earthworm, Earthworm, Earthworm, Earthworm Jim Hooray for Jimmmmmmm Gahhroovy!
Past the vaulted door, where impossible things may happen, that world has never seen before. (EDIT: Alright, since no one is guessing, here is the rest of the lyrics.) IN DEXTER'S LABORATORY, LIVES THE SMARTEST BOY, YOU'VE EVER SEEN! BUT DEDE BLOWS HIS EXPERIMENTS, TO SMITHEREENS! THERE IS GLOOM AND DOOM WHILE THINGS GO BOOM! IN DEXTER'S LAAAAAAAAB!
We're toony. We're all a little loony. And in this cartoony, we're invading your tv!
*Waves* *Leaves*
That was really funny.
OOC:I'm back. And yes, the batman movie was great.Though I am kind of curious on who the next villain may be.
OOC:Sorry. Kinda did. I did see the batman movie in my absence, and it was good.However, I should definately go back to working with my character's storyline. I will post as soon as I have something.