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  1. Jaxed
    OOC:Not really familiar with him.

    EDIT: Oh yeah, I finally managed to round up the various fragments of the entire fight with Ares if anyone wants me to pm it so that they can read the whole thing.
    Post by: Jaxed, Aug 26, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Jaxed
    OOC:It will make more sense after the title is explained a bit. Oh, and now that Ares is dead, who will Darxess's next opponent be? If he is allowed to continue in the tournament, that is.
    Post by: Jaxed, Aug 26, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Jaxed
    OOC:He did a little bit while fighting the chained man, and a tiny bit while fighting Wing, but otherwise, he actually doesn't do too much Alchemy. He earned his title in a different way. A way that will be explained as soon as this tournament is over.
    Post by: Jaxed, Aug 26, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Jaxed
    OOC:Read the ending of the fight. I know its extemely long, but please read it. It turned out extemely well.
    Post by: Jaxed, Aug 26, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Jaxed
    OOC:After many, many long hours of working, my fight with Ares is finally done. And trust me, it was worth it.


    *Ares towered over Darxess and the rest of the arena, his booming laugh filling the chamber and echoing out into the halls, and his large body covering half floor, leaving only a small space for Darxess to maneuver*
    *Darxess could only stare, mouth gaped open*
    Ares:"I think its about time we finish this, old man. As fun as it is to see you there in total awe and fear of my superior strength, I grow tired of waiting. Its about time you go to where all you damn nobodies belong."
    *Ares raised his massive warhammer high above his head*
    Ares:"IN HELL!!"
    *Ares brought his massive warhammer down with his full strength, crashing it into the arena*
    *Darxess barely managed to dodge it, but the sheer force of the impact forced Darxess high into the air and shook the entire chamber, causing even some of the audience members to fall out of their seats*
    *Darxess watched below him, barely conscious, as the arena floor he was standing on crumbled away from the massive impact of the hammer, leaving only the small patch of land that Ares was standing on*
    *Darxess could only watch as his mangled body fell toward the seemingly bottomless pit that lay before him*
    *Darxess tried to open a portal, but his arm was still useless after Ares cut deeply into it earlier in the battle*
    *There was nothing he could do*
    *Ares smiled as he watched Darxess fall, then turned his back to face the crowd, shouting various taunts and boasts*
    *Darxess disappeared in the shadow below*
    *The scoreboard made a beep as it switched over, showing Ares as the winner*
    *This match was over*

    *And yet, it wasn't*

    *Not yet*

    *A crumpled, bloody hand rose over the edge of the arena*
    *Ares was too busy celebrating to notice*
    *The crowd didn't either, in fact, most of them were leaving to watch more of the tournament bloodshed in other arenas*
    *But that didn't change the fact the hand was still there*
    *Or the rest of the old man attached to it*
    *The nearly broken man slowly hobbled over the edge*
    *By the time he made it up, a few of the audience members noticed him*
    *Most of them pointed and laughed and the announcer made a few less than nice comments*
    *However, the more observant members of the audience only needed to take one look into his eyes and found themselves filled with fear*
    *The anger contained within him made some of the closer members of the audience shudder*
    *He took one glare at the audience and one or two of them gasped*
    *It was around this time that Ares finally noticed the small, tiny old nobody standing at his feet*
    *The sight of such a small, worthless opponent in Ares eyes could only make him point and laugh*
    *He even pointed to the scoreboard and told him to go home*
    *But Darxess wasn't going to go home. He had business to take care of. Like saving Orb and his friends. And he didn't even give a damn how many rules he had to break to do it*

    *Darxess summoned his scythe with his still working arm (Cue rock music) and swung it to his side in a battle position*
    *Ares sighed*
    *He hated to kill such a defenseless opponent, but this stubborn insect gave him no other choice*
    *Ares rose his foot and brought it down to squash the pathetic bug*
    *But.......Darxess was too quick for him*
    *By this time, Darxess was already on his toes, and brought his scythe down, impaling it right in Ares’ big toe*
    *Ares shouted in a mix in pain and anger*
    *He lowered his hand to attempt to grab and crush the annoying fly*
    *He was too late*
    *Darxess was already running up Ares’ legs, carving them up as he went*
    *Darxess dashed up the length of Ares’ body, covering all of Ares’ leg, and most of his torso with tiny, bloody cuts*
    *Compared to the size of Ares to Darxess's scythe, these cuts were even less painful than that of a paper cut*
    *But it still annoyed Ares greatly*
    *Darxess went along, still cutting, and eventually placed himself onto Ares’ nose, starring eye to eye in nearly matching fury*
    *But even the rest of the audience could tell whose fury was still greater*

    *All went silent*

    *They stared for a moment that seemed to last nearly an eternity to the audience*
    *Eventually, Ares spoke*
    Ares:"Even now, as you still barely cling to life, you still think you can beat me? A god?!"
    *Darxess did not answer*
    Ares:"Too scared to even speak?! What's the matter?! Just give up now. I might even let you live."
    *But, of course, Ares had no intention of that*
    *Darxess didn't care*
    *Darxess tossed his scythe high into the air*
    *Ares watched it, out of the corner of his eye*
    Ares:"Giving up?"
    Darxess:"No. But I'm giving one last chance for you to give up before I kill you."
    *Ares only laughed*
    *Darxess sighed*
    *He hated to kill such a defenseless opponent, but this stubborn insect gave him no other choice*
    *Darxess clapped his hands together and pressed his hands into Ares face*
    Ares:"That's it? You bore me, nobody."
    *However, the small cuts on Ares began glowing*
    *A few members of the audience mouths gaped open*
    *Those marks were not just minor cuts*

    *They were Alchemy symbols*

    *Ares face went white with fear*
    *Only now did he realize what was happening*
    *The marks on his body began exploding, one by one, inside-out*
    *Ares took a few steps back, his heels hanging over the edge, with explosions covering his entire body*
    *Ares’ head fell back, his mouth open, screaming in pain*
    *It was at the moment that Darxess's scythe fell back down*
    *Darxess caught it in his right arm and spun it around his body*
    *Ares eyes stared at him in fear*
    *But it was too late, he had his chance*
    *Darxess slammed his scythe down, right into that eye filled with fear*
    *Blood squirted in nearly every direction, except for Darxess, who used magic to push it out of the way, making it seem that to the audience even Ares’ blood wanted to avoid Darxess's fury*
    *The arena was then filled with a scream that gave many of the audience nightmares even many years later*
    *Then, there was silence again*
    *The life from Ares faded*
    *His body fell back and faded into the deep, everlasting darkness, crashing partially into the arena, leaving only a small spire left*
    *Darxess hopped off of the corpse as it fell and landed on it spire, watching Ares as he disappeared from view*
    *And he watched with a smile on his face*
    Post by: Jaxed, Aug 26, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Jaxed
    OOC:I'm sorry it took so long to pm you, but I put a lot of work into it. I am finally done. I even added a new plot point for good measure. Sorry it took so long. Just please read it. I'm very proud of it.
    Post by: Jaxed, Aug 25, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Jaxed
    OOC:I might have filled out too busy of a school schedule, sadly. I can hardly find the time to get on the computer......
    Post by: Jaxed, Aug 25, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Jaxed
    OOC:I'm part of the yearbook staff now, so, on top of homework, I got to go out and sell ads as well. Anyway, I'm back.
    Post by: Jaxed, Aug 25, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Jaxed
    OOC:I'm back, even though its too late to even do anything about it.

    Sadly, I will be gone tomorrow as well. Last week, I was at my mom's, having my birthday party there, and keeping me away from the computer for a day. This week, I'm at my dad's, and they plan on giving me a birthday party here as well tomorrow, so I might not be on for the entire day.......Sorry guys.
    Post by: Jaxed, Aug 23, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Jaxed
    OOC:He also grew giant himself, remember? At his current size he is half the size of the arena by himself.
    Post by: Jaxed, Aug 23, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Jaxed
    OOC:Its not letting me add anymore youtube comments for some reason, so I sent you a pm instead. Also, do you have any idea how I should end my fight?
    Post by: Jaxed, Aug 23, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Jaxed
    OOC:I know he does......but I've been having severe writer's block. That, combined wtih senior grade homework from a full week of school, I have had barely enough time to get on the computer, let alone thinking up any storyline...........I'm sorry.

    However, ITS THE WEEKEND!! :D

    I might be able to actually do something for once......

    EDIT (One day after original post):Sadly, I will be gone tomorrow as well. Last week, I was at my mom's, having my birthday party there (Yes, my birthday was last week. 17 now.), and keeping me away from the computer for a day. This week, I'm at my dad's, and they plan on giving me a birthday party here as well tomorrow, so I might not be on for the entire day.......Sorry guys.

    EDIT2: Ok........Nothing happened last weekend or any of that week, for that matter. This time, its a new weekend, a 3-day one at that (Labor Day). So, as long as there is some other people on, I might be able to do some RPing.
    Post by: Jaxed, Aug 23, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Jaxed
    OOC:Yeah......I've been having enough writer's block that I can't even finish my fight. That, combined wtih school, and not having the time to properly think up of anything........My part in this RP is slowly grinding to a halt.

    However..........ITS THE WEEKEND!! :D

    Perhaps now I might be able to finally do something.
    Post by: Jaxed, Aug 23, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Jaxed
    Swat Kats in the Danger Zone
    Thread by: Jaxed, Aug 22, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  15. Jaxed
    OOC:I'm having trouble thinking of how to finish my fight......with school and homework, I haven't had any spare time to really think of what to do next.....sorry.
    Post by: Jaxed, Aug 21, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Jaxed
    OOC:Just don't make yourself more sick worrying about us. Hope you're ok.
    Post by: Jaxed, Aug 20, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Jaxed
    OOC:Sorry, my nephew had a screaming, jumping fit to get on the computer (He even pulled out some of my hair) So I couldn't get on. Sorry.
    Post by: Jaxed, Aug 20, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Jaxed
    OOC:Today I am picked up by my mom instead of waiting for my dad to take me home, so I am here at home much sooner.
    Post by: Jaxed, Aug 20, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Jaxed
    OOC:Another round of Olympic Wall Starring today. This time it lasted till 7.

    EDIT:Where the heck is everybody?
    Post by: Jaxed, Aug 19, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Jaxed
    OOC:Sorry about yesterday. I was tired. I went to bed.

    Here's hoping I don't get homework tonight.
    Post by: Jaxed, Aug 19, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home