*Darxess overheard the entire situation involved around Wing* *Darxess stared at Adumbral, lowered his head and sighed, dropping his Skythe to the ground* Darxess:"Sorry. But I am in no mood to fight today. I must see my old friend one last time." *Darxess turned around and began walking away* Adumbral:"Don't you turn your back on me!" *Adumbral pointed a gun a Darxess* *Darxess kept walking* *Adumbral fired a shot into Darxess's right leg* *Darxess stumbled for a few step, but kept walking* *Adumbral raised the gun a fired another shot into Darxess's left shoulder* *Darxess kept hobbling onward* *Adumbral then points it at Darxess's head* *Darxess did not stop* *Adumbral put his thumb on the trigger* *Closed his eyes* *And lowered the gun* *Adumbral muttered a few curses under his breath* *Adumbral thought to himself* (Your death will wait, for now. But the next time I see you, there will be no more friends for you to visit, except in hell.) OOC:You don't mind if I took control of Adumbral for a bit, did you? Or give him a gun?
OOC:Well........that's great..........Even if Wing isn't leaving for good, with everyone going to college, its only a matter of time before everything slowly grinds down to a halt.......... *Sighs* Is there anything we can do about it? One last party, or find some way of continuing?
*Darxess tilted his head and sighed* *More sheep to the slaughter* *Darxess summoned his Skythe* (OOC:Improper spelling, I know, but that's sort of the official spelling of it now) Darxess:"Unfortunately, you caught me in a bad mood. I'll try not to make your death too painful." EDIT:CRAAAAAAAP...............Got to go. Computer time up.
*Darxess walked back from the arena, the wounds he received having already been healed* *Darxess saw the portal and Xegreny on the other side* *Darxess heard his plea for help and smiled* *Perhaps there would be more blood to spill*
OOC: I did find one thing of inerest though, even if it is almost completely irrelevent. I have our first encounter with Tul Raijin as a document file on my computer,if anyone is interested. EDIT:That's the only one on my computer, though. Odd......
OOC:Alright, but before we roll, we need to know where we are rolling to. I haven't thought up any of the details yet.... EDIT:Sorry, I got nothing.....
OOC:Well, actually it might be better to save Loki till later as well. However, it might be time for some Behind the Scenes work. As in, the characters might make a few discoveries or something. Just something to thicken the plot.
OOC:Alright.........now what? What should Darxess do next?
OOC:That sucks. And how was Lost Planet?
OOC:Crap...........sorry everyone, I had to do chores all day......I seriously hope Oxyrt is ok.
OOC:The themes I'm choosing is only if I ever get around to making a character specific AMV for Darxess. But, the song I just posted I'm actually not really planning on using. That was just one that I found and am trying to see if anyone wants to use it. Though its still possible that I might use it, I'm still deciding. On a different note, who is Darxess's next opponent going to be?
OOC:Tomorrow is labor day, so I get a free day off. So you can definitely catch me on here tomorrow. And sorry I wasn't on much today, I was searching all over youtube for something that might match Darxess or any other of the U.O. characters. I was searching for music too, and I did find a few that I liked. Like this for example: EDIT: OXYRT IS BACK?! Sweet. I was sadly beginning to think he left.......
OOC:This post takes place chronologically right after my last post. *Staring onward with his face pale as a sheet, the announcer began talking* The Announcer:"I....I think I just soiled myself...........Excuse me." *The Announcer left the room* *A few minutes later, the scoreboard shut down* *Most of the crowd just watch Darxess in terror, too afraid to even move* *Even some the gods high up in there thrones gave Darxess uneasy glances* *The others, however, stared at him in fury* *Ares, the god of war, was dead* *And worst of all, he was killed by a nobody* *Nothing could have been more dishonorable* *The angry ones among the gods clenched the armrests of their seats until the edges of the seat crumbled* *A hooded Brotherhood member appeared before them and told them to settle down* *The gods immediately obeyed, even the stubborn ones* *He turned back to Darxess* *The member doubted if Darxess would still remember him, but that did not matter. In fact, it would be all the better.* *The man smiled under his dark gray hood* *This was going to be interesting*
OOC:Sorry for my absence.......I was stuck with dad again at school.........
OOC:I was planning that it would be similar to your fight with Athena. However, the fight would not be witnessed by any other characters (You can still read what happens, but your characters won't see what happened) and, it would take place even further in the past than the entire U.O.
OOC:Its name is Yggdrasil, and it would probably be better suited for a round 3 fight, since round 2 is about to end.
OOC:That is what I was aiming for. A lot of his past is going to be explored in this tournament. Also, I think I might have decided my opponent. How about I fight a tree?
OOC: Darxess's fight is over. Ares, the god of war, is dead.
OOC:Anyone care on trying to perhaps to revive this? After we are done with what we're in the middle of our RP, of course.
OOC:In all honesty, I just got done facing a giant, so no. I'll look up this "Freyr" guy and see what I think of him.Or, maybe, I might even find my own opponent, if no one else minds. That wouldn't be too much of a problem, would it? And sorry Xegreny, but I took a bath, had a late dinner, and studied for my test tomorrow, so I was gone the entire time. But, nice post, Xegreny.