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  1. Jaxed
    OOC:Church, family, etc.......I may not be able to hardly get on the entire day until late this evening.........sorry guys.
    Post by: Jaxed, Sep 21, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Jaxed
    OOC:I'm parents just informed me that I need to take a I'll be off for the rest of the night.........Sorry guys......:(
    Post by: Jaxed, Sep 20, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Jaxed
    OOC:Nothing, really. Actually, I need your expertise on Norse Mythology. Perhaps its better if we continue this through pms.
    Post by: Jaxed, Sep 20, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Jaxed
    OOC:I'm still here. Waiting for you, believe it or not.
    Post by: Jaxed, Sep 20, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Jaxed
    OOC:I'm still thinking of some ideas, however, you will definately hear again from Darxess before long.
    Post by: Jaxed, Sep 20, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Jaxed
    OOC.........Sighs.......I'm sorry......My nephew took the computer all day......And he threw a fit any time I tried to get on........
    Post by: Jaxed, Sep 19, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Jaxed
    OOC:I don't have school today! :poketoungeb:

    Though I can't really continue until everyone else is on.......
    Post by: Jaxed, Sep 19, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Jaxed
    OOC:See ya Darknight. I guess I'm done for the night as well.
    Post by: Jaxed, Sep 18, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Jaxed
    OOC:Nope, we have not. But, that matter will be resolved soon. If, everything goes right, possible even by this weekend, hopefully. Tomorrow is teacher in service, so I don't even have to go to school tomorrow. I'll have more things planned for then, as long as I don't get writer's block.
    Post by: Jaxed, Sep 18, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Jaxed
    *Darxess laid on the floor of the sunken ship, completely unable to move*
    *The entire ship was deserted now, leaving Darxess alone in a ship that was now almost entirely filled with water*
    *They sealed the door that Darxess was in, so the water hasn't reached him yet, but water flowed slowly through the edges of the door*
    *Darxess laid on the wet floor, simply contemplating how silent it was*
    *With Darxess being completely unable to speak, let alone move, in the panic the crew faced, they left Darxess their. Even the other Organization members had no idea what was happening at this moment*
    *He was alone*
    *Darxess attempted to move, any movement at all, but all he could manage to do was wiggle his fingers*
    *More water seeped through the doorway*
    *It was up to the sides of his ears now*
    *Darxess thought to himself*
    (So...........this is how it ends? No explosions, no blazes of glory? Just an old man rotting at the bottom of the ocean? can't be this way.....Any fate is better than this!)
    *Darxess, focusing all he could, managed to extend his fingers, and place his palms on the ground*
    *Using what little energy he had left, even if it would kill him, shadows began spreading across the floor*
    *With so little energy, he couldn't even focus on where this portal would lead*
    *It was a blind jump that could send him anywhere in the galaxy*
    *He could end up in a star and burn, or end up in the middle of space for all he knew*
    *But.........any fate was better than this*
    *The shadows grew larger, and Darxess began to sink*
    *A few rivets from the door fell out of place, splashing in the water than began to fill the room*
    *Darxess sank further in the portal, only his face showing now, completely submerged under water*
    *The door broke, blasted across the room, sending a full torrent of water from the outside ocean into the room*
    *The portal closed*
    *Darxess was gone*
    Post by: Jaxed, Sep 18, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Jaxed
    OOC:What happened? Headache? You alright?

    As for me, I just can't simply think of anything.
    Post by: Jaxed, Sep 17, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Jaxed
    OOC:Is it me, or are we all experiencing one giant collective writer's block?
    Post by: Jaxed, Sep 17, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Jaxed
    OOC:Maybe some more people will finally come on before the day is over.
    Post by: Jaxed, Sep 17, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Jaxed
    OOC:I know I had plenty of homework last week, so its possible. I hardly could get on any at all last week. Also, hurricanes might cause problems for some of them as well.
    Post by: Jaxed, Sep 17, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Jaxed
    OOC:Yeah, I'm wondering the same thing.........Your the first person who posted besides me in two days.......What happened?!
    Post by: Jaxed, Sep 17, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Jaxed
    OOC:This has absolutely nothing to do with the storyline, but I am mentioning this anyway. Here's an interesting book that you have never heard of:


    Why is it so interesting, you may ask? Well, the person who wrote it teaches my science class. He's actually a rather interesting person to talk to, believe it or not. Quite frankly, if he was our age right now, he would most likely be doing the same thing we are doing right now: RPing. Of course, they didn't have the internet back when he was young, but he was a huge D & D player. He just loved creating his own characters and running them off on their own stories. He also done something similar to what we are doing now, he colaborated with other authors, each responsible for their own characters, and got together and wrote a story (Not sure if it was ever published, though). Then, when he was older, he moved to a teaching job, and on his spare time, wrote the "Barrow" series. Years later, he moved to a tiny school (Mine) as a semi-retirement. Haven't read them yet, but they do sound interesting. The major point is that, who knows, somebody here might publish their own story someday......
    Post by: Jaxed, Sep 16, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Jaxed
    *Darxess slowly awakened from a self-induced coma, confused, with no idea where he was, only hearing screams of terror from all the men around him*
    *Darxess tried to rise up from his bed, but found that he could not*
    *His entire body was stiff, completely sapped of any energy whatsoever*
    *The previous spell he attempted to pull off proved to be too much of a strain for his body, rendering him unconcious and completely helpless*
    *Even after a full week, he was still barely conscious and in no state to move*
    *He was still helpless, even after all of this time*
    *Even worse, in all the commotion following the tournament with ragnarok, Darxess's only window to ever finding Orb was slammed shut. The tournament was over, and Orb was nowhere to be found*
    *Darxess did know this much, however*
    *Orb was not destroyed*
    *Not yet*
    *Darxess slowly turned his head, watching all of the crew run about in panic, trying to keep themselves from getting killed*
    *Darxess attempted to ask one of the members for help, but found no sounds coming from his mouth*
    *Darxess then stared at the ceiling, with a small bit of fear in his eyes*
    *He had no idea how he got on this ship, or who commands it, but he had a pretty good idea on how he would be getting off*
    *In a body bag*
    Post by: Jaxed, Sep 15, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Jaxed
    OOC:Heavens above! The sub is floofing! What ever will we do?!

    However, on to more serious topics, what in the heck has happened to Darxess all this time? Where is he? Why has he been unresponsive all this time? Is he ok? I intend to think of an answer to these questions soon enough.
    Post by: Jaxed, Sep 15, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Jaxed
    OOC:I honestly don't have the slightest fizzle of what's going on.......
    Post by: Jaxed, Sep 14, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Jaxed
    OOC:Sadly, there was only half as many cars as last year, but it was still ok. What really sucked is that as soon as I got back, I had a mountain of homework to do. Sure, I could've done it earlier, but then I would have missed going to the car show. Thus, I couldn't even get on till today.
    Post by: Jaxed, Sep 14, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home