OOC:The picture I found was just from the wikipedia article, so I'll admit I had no idea what was going on. Also, it may take a little bit of time to pm you, I have to clean out a lot of clutter first. EDIT: Btw, I found an entire Booster Gold episode, right here: "The Greatest Story Never Told" 1/3 "The Greatest Story Never Told" 2/3 "The Greatest Story Never Told" 3/3 Its actually a really good episode, and it has plenty of Skeets and Booster Gold moments.
Meet Skeets. Look familiar? (Other than the creepy spandex guy in the reflection) I was fumbling around the net and I found him. He's sort of the sidekick to a superhero named "Booster Gold". Just a floating robot that follows him around, having the same sort of arguments Darxess and Orb have. He even has similar attitudes. According to Wikipedia, (May not be 100% accurate) Skeets was apparently dismissed and kept in storage (where he killed time surfing the Internet) during Booster's tenure in the Justice League, then was reactivated when Doomsday badly mangled Booster's power suit to help with repairs. I could so imagine Orb just killing time on the net in the same situation. Heck, he may have been doing it the entire time he's been kidnapped. I can only imagine the sort of conversation that will take place as with Darxess when he is freed. I'm nearly cracking up at the thought. Anywho, that's something I found. Perhaps if you could find a booster gold video or two, you might be able to use Skeets as Orb in the next AMV, or something. EDIT:Found a vid. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N6Jycz6ZuyE The last few seconds are very Darxess and Orb-ish.
OOC:Awesome. We finally got it up. Oh, and please include a link to the trailer videos and the Arc 1 video Hidden made for people to see.
OOC:I might, but I still don't know what to post......I might need a summary first.
OOC:I shall. I am the creator after all. Perhaps my little story can be used as an opener for the new thread. Btw, anyone can have the last post, I don't mind.
OOC: GODDAMN BOOK REPORTS!!! (Is fighting off temptation to go on a cursed filled rant about subject) On top of the book report, I was caught yesterday on the computer, just long enough to check messages, and was grounded for most of today......
OOC:That sounds familiar. Are they in anyway associated with a certain other division?
OOC:Had a tennis match and went to the fair yesterday. Today, however, I might finally have time to wrap up Darxess's storyline.
OOC:Yes!. Its was very good! Any possiblities of getting it colored? On a side note, I'm still working on book reports..........
OOC: (Is most certainly not supposed to be on right now, and will get in deep trouble if caught, but is on the computer anyway to see new manga.) EDIT:Btw, for a good laugh, watch this vid: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JsKoxbX8E3U&feature=related
You think 200 students is a small class? Try twenty. Seriously. I'm not even sure if we have 200 students in our enitre school.......
As creator of the Ultimate Organization that you have joined, by supreme order of high command, I demand that thou shalt give me thine apple pie.
OOC:Ok. We've waited an hour. Where are they?! (Sorry about being rude, its just that I'm somewhat excited about seeing them, and I'm almost tired of waiting. I know its not you're fault, I'm just impatient :sweat:)
OOC:Whee! Book Reports are a blast!! :sideways: The dealine is next week and I haven't even started it till today, so I may be busy and unable to come here for a few days..........:( I only have time to read up on what's been hapening and that's about it......
OOC:So that's what happened to him........that's disapointing.......Seriously, that sucks.
OOC:I'm feeling a little better now, but I still got nothing for Darxess's storyline. However, I want to wrap it up as soon as possible. This may sound odd, but I miss Orb. His and Darxess's antics always brought a smile to my face. Ok, with that odd note out of the way, how is the manga coming along, Pirate?
OOC:I felt like crap this entire evening. I don't what's causing it, but I can't even really think straight......Its hard to say whether I'll post tonight or not.
OOC:I hear you there.........
OOC: Darn Homework!! :yelling: Btw, how is your manga coming along, Pirate?
OOC:I really planned to get back tonight, I really did..........However, what I didn't plan for was my sister coming home and stealing the computer the entire night......sigh.........Now its too late to even do anything.