7174 yeah, my IQ is 127; bright mastermind. It's the same result as always. And lord xiron i guess you are a universal genious
7053 welcome to the club of laggy computers
7051 bored
6943 G++ your new here, aren't you
6940 yup you're right roxllen. Even if it is a psychotic thought
6936 this thread will never come to a close
6825 EMO people are everywhere, run for the sake of happines!!!!!!! wow I've reached a new low of boredom
6682 another 10 pages I missed
beauty may be in the eyes of the beholder, but it is true that people are more atracted to beatiful people. I mean sex sells. All the "ugly" people are locked out of the community just because they are what nature made them. that's why I never insult anybody on behalf of their looks
6458 ^noooooo. the aliens have landed, run for your life!!!!! ok, I'm bored
yup, axel dance of flames you are hot( hope that didn't sound perverted)
6455 ^I know roxasroxmysocks. But we are still very far from our "goal"
6452 I can't believe this, every time I come here, there are a minimum of 10 new pages!
6350 ^somebody will probably start a new thread which will be named count to 1,000,000,0 or something like that,10000000 in the slovenian way of writing digits
6348 this thread shall go on
It would be cool, but rock music doesn't go with KH. Maybe with DMC( oh yeah, holy thunderforce)
6346 whoops, haven't noticed it. thanks
6344 ^yup, and then only 990000 more
6333 ^isn't linkin park a bend not a solo act
I know what you mean stupidaquarius, I'm just saying that I'm not complaining if you want to close/delete this tread