9255 is pirrates of the carribean: at world's end a good film? Just say yes or no. Don't write any spoielers, PLEASE!!
society, it's self explainable. What do you think of society? What do you think of it's principles? I hate the principles, not everybody has the same chance in life becouse of them ( like sex seels, only beauty matters; some people are alone their whole life becouse of this, racism, nationality differences; ie I'm worth more than you, cool people think they're worth more than other, etc, etc, etc...) . Many people don't have a life becouse of this, and many want to commit suicide becouse of what society did to them. So what do you think about it
finally someone who agress with me, I've been here for more then a month and a half, and a don't have even 60 posts
^I know your not a psycho, I just wondered where the gangsta talk was from
devils never cry- Dmc 3 whenever I play When the lights are down-kamelot, also founded by dmc youtubing paradise city-guns n roses no fear-the rasmus
sup Sorax. Why do you talk so gangsta
9085 hard rock hallelujah!!!! the saints are cribbled on this sinners night, lost are the lambs, with no guiding lights!!! lordi, gotta love those monsters
first mish would probably kill you if you took her name second bob IS the coolest name ever
ah, it's enough. I personally prefer demon ***-kicking then ff. So I'll go with dmc. Thanks
if you wanted to you could change it, everybody will get used to it eventually
ha, ha, ha link, that is so funny. To bad computers don't have a sarcasm chip
^you sure DMC is better, if it is I'll buy that
Oh, then it's good that it was all deleted
I know I should post this in general game chat, but nobody answers there, becouse nobody goes in that corner. And a mod will move it eventually. What should I buy DMC or FF10-2. Answer quick before this thread is moved
^really bad porn or soft porn
how bad were the pictures that she posted. Common, I need to know
Yeah, yeah, chill. I said it may seem hars, and I said it SEEMS like they have no life, I didn't say they have no life. So sorry. Oh and by the way the cat was just standing up for itself, and I didn't find that pic on purpose, I found it when I was googling DMC3: se
what exactly did she post, that is so bad
this may seem harsh, but why do you people post so many cosplay pics. It just seems as if you don't have any life on your own
8831 well, bye Ctr guess I won't "read" from you in a while. Bye