9613 ^let me define quicker. 9 minutes on youtube are 45 minutes in real life. So I never watch one film at a time
9611 I would go clicky, if my internet connection would be quicker
^not my tipe of pic, but if you like it it's cool <has nothing to do, and is surfing the internet Vis actually somebody
this is hilarious. I don't know bout you countrys, but where I live even a 3-year old could get DMC or GTA or almost every violent mature game there is. All for the money, and nobody get's fired. No need for an id or anything
9601 What the hell are you people doing with this hundret thing. Stop it, getting the hundreth isn't such a big achievence
Many people on this forum are deppresed. I have another problem, I can't get deppressed ( Maybe it's becouse I have friends in other classes, rather than mine ). Instead I get angry. Don't get me wrong I'm a calm guy, but everytime my ****ing Schoolmates make fun of me the rage inside of me grows. Everytime I play games or listen to music I experience relief in the form of rage. I don't know what to do, if I can't change this soon, I'm gowing to blow, and I don't want to know what will hapeen then. Can somebody please tell me a way to chanel all this rage in another felling
9486 Back to school for me. Yay for technical days in school; I HATE THEM. Have fun you two
9483 you can get the hundreth roxllen, that really isn't such a big deal
9479 Hmmmm. Violence. Ok, I'm leaving this thread
9301 wow LKX you got the hundreth. Such an "achievence"...sarcasm. Just being evil. Bye folks. Oh and thanks CTR for you opinoin, now I'll keep my sig
9298 a question, do you think my sig promotes animal cruelty
9293 everybody is calm CS, it's just a little "Misunderstanding"
9287 ^that just proves that your iq is pretty high. Anyways CTR you should have seen how people tried to keep this thread alive!!! Hilarious
welcome back, you don't even know what you missed. A porn dissaster!!!! Note: I missed it to but people enlightened me thereafter
9284 XTTA CTR is a her not a he. Anyways welcome back. That badger was out for revenge
somebody doesn't know who Dante and Vergil are!!!!! If you have a ps2 buy dmc 3 now!!!! Anyways cool, they rock, they're the coolest characters in games ever!! Or maybe it's becouse I'm obssesed with dmc 3 guess we'll never now
a stalker or just an idiot
^three times hooray for randomnes Well, you'll be back soon
That may not be totally true. Many countries have exactly the same principles as the USA. I don't live in the USA, and my country still has the same principles
^I ****in love pizza <is fed up with society principles Vagress that society's principles are ****ing stupid