Yes, let chaos rule, let anarchy brake out, mvahahaha. Yeah, you should run this site
have you. It rocks, you should try it
10722 reality is relative. Now think about that
10183 and bye you folks. I know I don't do anything but today I have to do things for school, so I probably won't be on today again. Bye for now
10177 nah, the badger was hard, it's broken already. If you think I'm bad, my friend and his sister kick the computer, and if my keeps up with this perpormance I might join their club of computer kickers
10174 it's ****ing with me again. Sorry for the language, but it happens too many times
10169 and why would you be stupid CTR? you're not. Now excuse me, I'll just cut my internet connection and throw my modem out of the window
10167 It was quite obvious really. His name has something to do with kh if it is spelled in such a wierd way. Everybody (all who love love kh) do that
bye CTR, have a good (as good as you can have it) day
was in real micheal jackson with plastic surgery, then the /b/tards
9939 poor you CTR, hope it will be easy. Maps means spam......ooooo
don't tell me, forsaken shadow dared you, didn't he
then he stalked them down and
9936 ^nah, I know you think that I'm a idiot for doing this in school. But I still have good grades B's. So what you up to
9934 work..for school? I havent done anything for a month. I'm late every day, and I just got two more late hours today. But at least I'm not tired, yay for sleping and my lack of guilt when it comes to school
Yeah, I guessed it's kinda hard. It says I see bad grammar
I sis bhad gremr. Now decipher that
ok, I slightly over exxagerated bout the 3- year old. But not mature could still get such a game in most stores. We don't have mature or everybody signs, we have 16+, 18+, 12+, 3+ etc... Oh yeah, the parents don't take violence in video games seriously, so kids can play them. It makes me sad
9615 ^yup, it is. But hey, take what you get. Well bye now. I've been on the internet too long for today. Bye
you are teh master!!!! there, now you can correct me