Has licked Zexion's buttocks. XD
Holy ****! I fear you to the fullest extent, KoB. To the fullest extent.
132 *shoves plate at RC* Eat it. Now.
Unless the staff emember has said specifically you are banned, you most likely have a warning. 3 of these, and you're banned. Admins decide the length. 130
You report people by privat messaging a member of staff (preferably an admin) and telling them what is wrong. It's a good idea to add a link to...
120 Do we have to start again, since sylar removed the pic?
Stop wasting our time with stupid things like that. You got the gist. This isn't a good way to win any respect. Not from me, at least.
I pm'd sylar. That shouldn't be allowed. 115. comme ci comme ca, et toi? I suck at french
has a life
made out with their grandma's pet cat...
113 Bonjour
Yeah, that's what I've done. Unfortunately, that empties my drive guage.... Would reverting work?
109 believes that last post was lame.
Drinks a phlegm with toenail smoothie for afternoon tea
eats pocklet lint for brunch
107 owns because I am listening to the Guillotine as i type it. Lolz
Eats Jack's sweaty ball sack flavour popcorn lolz at what happens in vegas
Ate their siblings in their mother's uterus
105 owns because i am listening to Helena as i type it.
CENT seconds times 2 is the amount of time i will be gone