because KoB was so awesome....
159 I dont even own a laptop.... well, i do, but it sucks, and is in spain.
HAHA. I knew you'd say that. It wont last more than a year. Ive had it 2 months and its already cracked XD 157
supplied by emo_bunny...
Lol. My first was 500 MB. my second was 1 gig. My current one is 8 gigs and so TOUCHABLE! 156
MWAHAHAHA! I SHALL BRING THE WORLD YO YOUR CONTROL! To prove it, here are seven more laser cannons.... *click click*
in a bowl of vinegar
brought the drugs to the party
I spit on your mp3 player. So does my iTouch (Before my touch, i had an even worse one than yours for 2 years, and an even worse one before that, and it was my first) 154
has spooned Donald
, matter of fact, our squirrell
Goimez is MEGA****'D! *takes out shotgun, sniper, spurs....* I'm sorry Goimez. Actually, I'm not. You did this to yourself. *Takes spur to his throat*
Oh, HELL YES. He is soon going to be GONE! XD
ABG posted some sick pictures. I sent Sylar a PM along with a few others and he removed them. Eats dry, crusty bunny crap straight from the source... EDIT: RS didn't flip my username and remove the _vs_
147 It's possible, but I got back a day or two after that happened, so I wouldn't know.
Yes, they ARE. By the 'and' I meant 'as well as from' Now go forth with your sexeh reporting skillzz!
And from the post 300 times before staff posts thread. Sylar removed them due to image violation.
Avvy: 7/10 Sig 1: 9/10 Sig 2: 10/10
If you dont watch that link I'll eat ALL of your plates, AND the cake on them.
135. You laughed? Interesting... *writes down*