@TKM: Lolz 180. like, halfway round, man.
haha! *goes to add in sig*
175 what? EDIT: NOEZ! Repliku+Spamzone= NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!
Return buddies XD
173 Apparently.
Oh noez! Hurry, post! (171) EDIT: @ TKM: Word.
166 like 666, but lives a few blocks down.
Adores long sentences
Rapes teddy bears
For I return! Mwahahahahaha!
Oh, yesh. YESH Yesh yeshm my lord. Yesh! *lights go out* HELP! They are taking me to pick up my sister! NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU! I will count the seconds, my lord. UNTIL NEXT TIME!
Thank you, my Lord. Tonight, we dine WHEREVER CONVENIENT!
and so came the disturbing image that caused everyone to lose their respect for alpha. Goodnight bush!
Hates Zexion
I was introduced to stripping by bunny the slu.t.
But the name was misspelled...
I understand, Lord Zanmato... :D
Did it please you master? XD
Green Day or Red Night 0.o.0?