In Loving Memory- InMe and now... Let It Die- Foo Fighters
Now, our conquest finally begins!
And then SOMEONE has to ruin it. He could have at least let us get 200....
*whispers*To be honest, I dunno, but we get boob mode lawyerzords, so lets hush up XD*whispers*
Lol. Lets see how far mine goes. And i posted #187 XD Dix.
flies in/on fire
Word. ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
Lol. Understood. I'll give you a warning. *puts super glue on slit throat* At least you didn't call them the JoBros XD
Doesn't eat pineconenuggets
My mistake then. That was quite epic. In which case, Repliku... Time for some ass rusty spooning. and that sounds, so, SO wrong...
I dislike how they sound now. Craig was epic in Blessthefall, which i love, but he CANNOT front ETF. He might do ok, but Ronnie was it's face. lets hope that blessthefall can replace someone as epic as Craig. It was you who made the thread ages ago? If so... You have completed my life. and I thank you.
lol. Dibs on being commander of the elite guard. Lord Zamato will rule over all!
<.< >.> In the immortal words of TKM, time for some serious ass forking.
Ok. New thread dedicated to killing repliku.
haha KoB, you should start a fam for this XD
Nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111oneoneone <1>
187. Lol, fix ur number jettie. I'll rep you if you see this. Not you jettie.
Yes.... soon we shall control the forum. MWAHAHAHA! XD
184 yay. lol.
MWAHAHA! Our power grows, my lord.... My sister = MEGA*****