Enjoying all the little screams...
I was in my user cp, and it had a grey mark, not green or orange. so i clicked and went to the post. I clicke don the karma thing and it says: Your karma on this thread is even. then below, next to the box it said N/A XDDDDDDD
My post says the karma is even. Does that mean one person repped, and one derepped?? Cos like, that would be weird XD
Lol. I mean that spoiler icon. Lol. My post says the karma is even. Does that mean one person repped, and one derepped?? XD
haha XD Touched the edges of my sign and died.
That toast had bunnybaby sauce...
[hello again]
Cloak that with a spoiler. The mods might catch on. How do you do that anyway? EDIT: who repped than derepped my previous post, :D?
The pedobunny was unique because...
Obviously saw my sig and saw what i think of Mackers
Got kicked by Chuck Norris
Planning revenge on the rapist......
5. too late now, i guess..
As for the song, it's good, gbut it doesn't bring the explosiveness that commes with all their other songs. It sounds... empty. I'm still a fan though, and hope they continue to do well.
Is actually here Hola!
Epic song Makes me want to tear my ears out. Balance is goooooooooooooooooood.....
No, he didn't post! only flew.... 3...
a violated rabbit was sneaking...
yes... our power gathers... XD
Has great lying powers XD