I see the spirit of that vid I showed you stays with you, Kitty. IF ITS NOT SCOTTISH, ITS CRAP! I love showing that to people XD
Hang Em' High- My Chemical Romance. and now... The Unforgiven- Metallica
NO I will not consider myself old until 35. That email address rots in a dark gmail corner. Mwahaha
Dead in the Water- Hawthorne Heights
ugh. No happy bday? XD haha. I am 3 years and a month older
Haha. I will gloat now. I am 3 days 23. You are not. Ha. Ha. Ha.
Attention whore, eh? *walks away and ignores* XD
*~more votes~*
Since the standard apple headphones suck ass, i decided to go and get some ear buds for the most orgasmic source ever: Skull candy. Although i have a pair of TI, I need something more portable. My style and listening pleasure is in your hands. Titans: http://www.3dvo-models.com/clients/...This=true&TB_iframe=true&height=550&width=550 Smokin' Buds: http://www.3dvo-models.com/clients/...This=true&TB_iframe=true&height=550&width=550 Oh, which which which?
Breathes by farting.
in a machine of semen...
Just wondering. Were the maids milking milking the geese? 5
On the 15, she bought me a greased pole and made me dance for her DX
I dun know you.... I'll be teh epic friendliez!
XD 13 Lolz at the drummers
Maids a MILKING? I'm not into that. EPIC WINZ for Taking Back Sunday and their epic 12 days XD 11 Why would your true love give you MAIDS anyway? EDIT: PIPERS PIPING FTW
Joker FTW <XD>
How would geese go about doing that, while being picked up and put down? 9
That would be epic XD