Your powers of observation must be WAAAAAAAAAAY down..
So the name Big Man really does give you justice?
Who forgot Honey Comb?
Would you like to know my name?
Agreed. That is all.
*throwsvoodoodoll* Do your worst.
To go wakeboarding with Aussies, lose your balance and smack your head with the board, get back up again, not notice blood dripping all down your neck, have to have the person out with you actually notice it, have to dock quickly, take a taxi into a freezing hospital filled with dumbasses, and need 12 stitches, 4 internal? This is my reality <over a month ago>
EVERY day is a rainy day for you Scotts, Kitty. You must have your romantic dream fufilled monthly XD
7. <Puta>
*pointsatsig* My epic sign is sharper than any blade of yours will ever be.
Nothing Else Matters- Metallica
Good luck is really all I have to say. You'll pull through.
Ouch... XD
Tears Don't Fall- Bullet for my Valentine
God.. You know how I said I disliked them since Craig joined? Since this thread, I've been listening to them more. And DAMN they grow on you...
Rise up happens to be my favourite song on the album. What impresses me the most is how Craig can go from such epic screaming (IMO at least) back to such epic singing. I havent heard anything from them since Craig was replaced. Oh well XD
Lol. Go grab a heavy metal cross from a pawn shop and hit her over the head with it XD
OWNED. fillerz\\
Avvy: 6/10 Sig1: 8/10 Sig 2: 6/10
Is infatuated with my left arm.