Xaada jumped onto Larux's back, her head appearing over his. She looked down at RJ from her newfound height. "Of course we know what it is silly!" Larxene looked at Marluxia..."You know, she reminds me of that ninja in hollow bastion...Yuffie was it? I swear she gets this hyperness from you..."
Demyx jerked forwards out of his trance..."What was that?!" He asked Zexion. "I put you in a trance..." "Gee thanks...Hold on, you can do that?!"
I suddenly had a quick Idea. Using my control over winds, I forced all wind towards me, smelling hundreds of different scents...Aloe Vera leaves, definetly not that way...Need the smell of elves, angels, wolves or dragons...Come on!
"This is not good...Damnit! This is what happens when you clear your head and forget to keep the scent of your home in it...And goddamn i'm talking to myself...Arg!" I grabbed the top of the fountain, snapping the concrete in half and throwing it into the air.
Zexion looked at the human..."Something you really don't wanna mess with..."
"Dude, you just made the biggest mistake of your life..." Zexion muttered.
Xaada nodded..."True, true...I'm still more girly...Moms hair colour, Dads colour in clothing..." She pointed at her gauntlets, boots skirt and shirt. "Pink all around!" "I can see some white material all of those..." Larxene pointed at the white embrodory. "You get my point!"
"Axel...Behind you..." He whispered...
"This is Demyx we are talking about. If he does attack, it will mentally kill him!"
Xaada looked up. "Then that means he looks more girly than me! WHat are you trying to say?!"
Methredel sighed..."Well, i'm going back to the clearing...I'm tired..." She yawned and flew away.
"How many have you known that haven't been able to control themselves?"
Larxene smirked, then looked at Marluxia..."I only just realized how much our kids look like us..." Xaada was busy making little roses twist around her scythe.
Larxene and Xaada both looked at Larux, eyebrows raised. The similarities in looks was astounding. "Whats wrong with RJ?"
"Incase you haven't realized, he's a newborn! How many newborns do you know that haven't ripped a human to shreds in seconds?"
I looked around again, then moved to sit on the fountain in the middle of the small town. "Great, I'm a vampire, over seven hundred miles away from school, and i'm freaking LOST!"
Methredel looked at Sparky..."Even when we are on sugar rushes"
Methredel nodded..."We should stick close to each other too, no wandering off on our own..."
I am not letting my boyfriend kill a human! He's already just killed a bear, lets leave it at that!
Larxene glared at him, electricity surging through her body.