Luciana crossed her arms over her chest, insulted. "No. I've lived and worked here for years love. Going to answer my question now?" She asked, looking back up at Wolfe. Woman looks stressed.
Methredels eyes flickered open quickly, looking up at her older sister, Naira. "Ouh...That was a nasty dream..." She sat up, looking at her sister. "Did I wake you up?"
Zexion shrugged at Axel. "Maybe..." He looked back at Demyx. "It has to do with your mind. Waving your hands around is not going to make something happen." Demyx nodded, then concentrated for a moment. He focused hard on making something happen, his hands setting alight. "Whoa! Loo- Oops.." He had held his hands up, and the flames had dissappeared; replaced with water. Effectively, soaking both Axel and Zexion with Water.
Luciana stepped forward from the shadows that the underworld provided. Unnoticed, she moved slowly towards Wolfe, tapping her on the shoulder gently. She stepped back, incase the woman should attack her without knowing, and looked at her. "Whats wrong Wolfe?"
Xaada slapped Larux over the back of the head. "Shaddup! You know how much planes scare me!" "Technically, we are flying faster than 700 miles per hour...So we'd die the second the plane crashes, little bits of metal chopping us to pieces." Xaada stared at Zexion in horror..."'Cuz thats comforting!"
"She was born a nobody. She'll age until she looks twenty one. I was created as a nobody at Sixteen. I can't age any older..." Xaada looked out the window of the small plane, regretting the action immediatley. "Oh I hate planes..."
Xaada turned the volume up on her Ipod, but found it wouldn't go any louder. She looked up. "Oi! If I can hear you over my music, thats not good. Shaddup!" Zexion smirked at Xaada. "Getting frustrated?" He asked her. Larxene grinned at her daughter and Zexion, then did a double take. "Zexy, why the hell do you look younger than my daughter?!"
Methredel kicked one of her siblings in her sleep unconciously. "Arg..."
OOC - Yeah! Xaada let go of Larux whilst he was still spinning her, backflipping onto her feet. "Whoa...Everything is so spinny..."
"Screw this..." I muttered to myself, grabbing a random traveller I ran past. "Oi you! Could you tell me which direction Mister Sarahbroughs school is?" I asked him. "Thats like...FIve hundred miles west..." "Brilliant...I've been going the wrong way..." I muttered a thanks, and then ran the correct way to the school. I appeared in my dorm room ten minutes later.
Xaada held onto Larux tighter. "Aaah!" Larxene grinned at them both..."Kids.."
OOC - I may take Zex later...I'll just have one character for now though :) Recap please?
Methredel lay on her back in the middle of her clearing. She yawned widely, dozing off into a nightmare. She kicked in her sleep, unconciously muttering.
I decided to crumble the remaining concrete in my palms to dust. "I guess I'll just run in the direction I think it is..." I muttered, running east.
OOC - Hi Emzy....I ish Here to join like you said :) Username: SoraNRikuNKairi Name: Luciana Bellamont Age: 21 Gender: Female Weapon: Ebony Blade (It drains the strength of target on strike, glows a greenish colour when sheathed) Artifacts/EbonyBlade.jpg Rank: Um...You told me 3...but I'll be the next highest thats not taken..I think it's five? Bio: When she was killed as a child, the underworld enforcers took her and trained her, leading her to effectively become a trained assassin. Personality: She's quite mature, always keeps to herself. Her personality can be quite dark at times, but she can sometimes be normal. Description: Does that mean appearance? >80 Preview post: Luciana fiddled with the bottom of her scythes handle, gently fingering the design, all the while thinking. Her eyes flickered around the room, settling on the the small table, overcrowded with papers. The dull lighting kept most of the room in dark, but she clearly saw what she intended to. Silly Piggy :)
Zexion nodded, then turned back to Demyx. "Some of us have certain, extra abilities...Axels is unique tracking, mine is stopping anyone in their tracks with an illusion...Why don't you try and see if you have one?" "How am I supposed to do that Zexy?" Demyx asked, looking at his hands.
"What did you do with his body?" Zexion asked him.
Xaada squeaked in surprise, then held onto Larux's shoulders tightly.. "Don't you dare drop me!" Larxene grinned.
"Really? I always thought you were..." Xaada answered playfully.
Xaada nodded..."Thats generally why most presents are wrapped up you see...So you can't tell what they are."