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  1. SoraNRikuNkairi
    Ada took the broom from him, smiling niceley. "Thankyou. Do. Not. Touch. This. Again!. She tucked her wand away, sprinting back to her room and putting the broom away in her case.
    Post by: SoraNRikuNkairi, Apr 15, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. SoraNRikuNkairi
    Ada pulled out her wand. Having already been to school before, she knew alot of destructive spells. "Well then. You had better go get it!" She had various images of sawing their arms off with magic.
    Post by: SoraNRikuNkairi, Apr 15, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. SoraNRikuNkairi
    Ada swore loudly, then made her way towards the garage. "Emmet! Jasper! Where the hell is my broomstick?!"
    Post by: SoraNRikuNkairi, Apr 15, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. SoraNRikuNkairi
    "Alexis! Wheres my broomstick?!" Ada yelled down the staircase of the Cullen household.

    "What you looking at me for? Antony was on it last!"

    "Antony! Wheres my broomstick?!"
    Post by: SoraNRikuNkairi, Apr 15, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. SoraNRikuNkairi
    Name: Alexis Cullen
    age: 18 (271)
    gender: Female
    apperence: [​IMG]
    year: 7th

    Name: Ada Sertora
    age: 18 (103)
    gender: Female
    apperence: [​IMG]
    year: 7th
    Post by: SoraNRikuNkairi, Apr 15, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. SoraNRikuNkairi
    Luciana stood up from her stool, cloak fluttering around her ankles. She took the Ebony Blade from it's charging station, sheathing it. She felt a surge of energy going through her, and her side no longer felt light.
    Post by: SoraNRikuNkairi, Apr 15, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. SoraNRikuNkairi
    Methredel ran towards the entrance of the room where Sparky was. She headbutted the door with no avail "Sparky, you in there?!"
    Post by: SoraNRikuNkairi, Apr 15, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. SoraNRikuNkairi
    Luciana thanked her, then placed her weapon inside the canister. She fet empty without the blade sheathed next to her. She pressed the button for a full recharge, then sat on a stool, cloak covering her entirely.
    Post by: SoraNRikuNkairi, Apr 14, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. SoraNRikuNkairi
    I could feel Wolfe shuddering, as well as hear her mental thoughts. I looked over at Naira. "Nah, you're not bad luck. You just happen to be here at the wrong time..."
    Post by: SoraNRikuNkairi, Apr 14, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. SoraNRikuNkairi
    Luciana stepped through one, emerging in the Rechargement room. She looked around at all the different canisters. Labelled Half recharge, full and quarter. She drew her blade, looking along the edge of it. "No glow whatsoever..." She shook her head to herself, then looked at Wolfe. "You need to put an ID in for me to recharge it fully. Stupid new rules..."
    Post by: SoraNRikuNkairi, Apr 14, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. SoraNRikuNkairi
    I held Wolfes body up, her arms still strapped behind her back. "Think Wolfe...Should you change, I will make it my personal goal in life that you know what sky diving is like. I will throw you off a plane mid-flight." I wasn't one to make empty threats, and I really would throw her off a plane. I've done it before. Didn't work though.
    Post by: SoraNRikuNkairi, Apr 14, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. SoraNRikuNkairi
    Luciana nodded her thanks. "Good, I hate that chamber. I've still got scars on my arms..." She shuddered, then looked at Wolfe. "Permission to go to the weapon recharge room?" She asked, noticing that her Ebony Blade was no longer glowing green.
    Post by: SoraNRikuNkairi, Apr 14, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. SoraNRikuNkairi
    I stepped forwards, Grabbing Wolfes arm whilst she was still human. I trapped them both behind her back, forcing her to keep still whilst she was convusling. "Focus Wolfe!"
    Post by: SoraNRikuNkairi, Apr 14, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. SoraNRikuNkairi
    I looked up at Naira. "Seriously, do you wanna die? Touch her, and she will hurt you..."
    Post by: SoraNRikuNkairi, Apr 14, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. SoraNRikuNkairi
    I sighed. "Maybe thats not working...Hmm...Think of funny things!"
    Post by: SoraNRikuNkairi, Apr 14, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. SoraNRikuNkairi
    I looked up at Naira, hearing what she would do should Wolfe change..."I wouldn't if I were you"
    Post by: SoraNRikuNkairi, Apr 14, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. SoraNRikuNkairi
    Luciana winced slightly. She'd only ever been in the torture chamber once before, and she did not like it one bit. "Um Wolfe, since I never lost my weapon, does that mean I don't have to look?"
    Post by: SoraNRikuNkairi, Apr 14, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. SoraNRikuNkairi
    "Try and control it hun. Wolfe, just think about it. If you change, others are in danger. Think about happy things..." I assured her, placing my hand on the young girls shoulder. I sound like Gabby, happy things
    Post by: SoraNRikuNkairi, Apr 14, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. SoraNRikuNkairi
    Methredel nodded, then cirlcled the perimeter of the forest. Taking a chance, she flew towards the darker, deeper dephs of the forest, where it was too dark to see more than a few yards ahead.
    Post by: SoraNRikuNkairi, Apr 14, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. SoraNRikuNkairi
    I heard the thoughts of another new student enter my head. "Ooh, more newbies?" I muttered, appearing next to Wolfe and Naira in a flash.
    Post by: SoraNRikuNkairi, Apr 14, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home