OOC - Lol,, True true. You live in America? xD
Zexion grinned, then put random illusions into the book.
OOC - Ooh...That took you a while...I bought it the day it came out, and finished it on the sunday afternoon... =/ And hmm...6pm....It's currently 10:15 here....at night... 8D >8D
OOC - Thanks! And I beat it in two and a Half days....How long it take for you to beat it? 8D
"What? It's easier than knocking her out!"
Zexion sighed, then trapped Xaada in his book.
Alexis winced. "Ow my eardrums..."
"Its Wolfe, she knows when someone is good enough to argue with or not..." Ada answered, smirking at Wolfe. "Thats the reason I never win an argument.."
OOC - Seems veerryyy interesting...BTW, your name...Referance to RE5? Name: Luciana Bellaknot Age: 27 Male/Female: Female Vampire or Human: Vampiree Appearance: Biography: She has been frequently attacked by many humans on more than a dozen ocassions, yet manages to somehow escape everytime. She's quite happy as a vampire, and although she can't go out in sunlight, she probably wouldn't change it for the world. Weapon: A Long Ebony Katana Other: Her Speed, strength and Smell are her strengths. Sight and touch are her weaknesses.
OOC- yeahh
Xaada grinned, then looked at Zexion. "Can you knock me out?"
Ada sighed, tucking her wand in her pocket.
Xaada and Larxene burst out laughing. "Raminxas does have a point..."
Ada shrugged. "Yeah, but that was normal school. I've only ever been to a normal primary school. Magic is all I've really known..."
"Easy I guess...I mean, there's always new spells being taught..."
Alexis shrugged. "Probably not. It's always so boring...Oi Ada! How can you manage to do magic school twice?"
Xaada untangled herself from the vines, and ran to hide behind her godfather. "Zexy! Put up a barrier or something!"
"Sorry Wolfe!" Ada said to her, jumping over the banister and onto the floor. "I didn't see you in the way of throwing..."
Xaada looked over at Roxas. "I'l say it. Are we th- OW! Mom!" She was cut off by Larxene jolting her. "I wouldn't push him..."
Ada smiled. "Hello Wolfe." She pushed her cae down the stairs, deciding it best not to throw it. She looked over at Emmet. "And whats that supposed to mean?