Methredel patted his back with her wings again..."He's just saying things...His last surprise attack didn't work, his next one certainly won't..." She looked over at Sparky..."You okay Spark?"
I exited the house calmly, having taken my feed. I looked around, frowning..."Well isn't this just great!?"
Larxene smiled down at Xaada. She placed the sleeping baby in her cot again. She put a blanket over RJ, and curled up on her own bed.
Zexion looked between the two...Who the hell is more dangerous? Demyx looked at him...
"Running aint gunna do you no good *****! I'm the fastest for a reason!" Larxene chased after him, using a direct back kick onto his back.
Larxene hissed, then electrocuted the ends of Axel's hair off.."B*stard!"
I pulled a clip from my hair, snapping it and inserting one end into a door lock. I pushed the other half in ontop of it, twisting it until I heard the tumblers click into place.
Demyx sniffed..."Nah, ones on steriods, you can clearly smell the drug..." Zexion stared at him.
Larxene smiled, but jumped when Xaada flew out of her arms At Axel. "I wanna Marmalie! Gimme!" She attempted to strange Axel with a vine.
Demyx sniffed up, but didn't seem affected..."Um...And?" Zexion dragged him away. "We can't risk you going an- wait, what?!"
Xaada nodded, jumping when A dark portal opened up ontop of her. She held her arms out, jumping backwards.
Zexion put his hand on Roxas' shoulder. "She'l be fine. Just think of it as if she's gone on holiday..." Larxene smiled.
I moved another few hundred miles south of the school, eventually finding a village with nice scents.
Larxene grinned at Marluxia, then smirked at Axel...She grabbed the half full bag of Marshmallows at Axel, then opened a fresh bag and handed them to RJ. "Uncle Pedo! Can I have a marmalie?" Zexion put the equipment away. "It shouldnt be more than a month..."
Zexion grabbed Demyxs arm, then looked at Axel..."Recognise that scent?" Demyx looked at him..."Zexy, whats wrong?"
Xaada grinned, then looked at her arms. She pulled one of the gauntlets around, then grimaced..."I don't see why we just can't portal out. I mean, they could portal into the staffroom without realizing it, yet we can't portal out behind a shed?"
Larxene smiled at Marluxia, holding the cup up to his mouth. She handed RJ three more marshmallows.."Here, for every one he takes, you get three more..." "Uncle Pedo Axey!" Zexion concentrated, stitching Namines wounds back up. "She'll be in this state until her body has comepletely healed. How long that will take, I do not know..."