Science core, IT, History, Geography, Maths, English, Manufacturing (:P) Countryside&Environment, English lit and Drama. Two of them are exactly...
Now, those three quests arent as action packed on my ps3....(Sarcky) rofl,, Oblivion just rules!
Ah well, you only need five passes at the very least, what other subjects you have exams in?
How're you? :) :rockband:
Predicted a G? I'm sure you did wayyy better than that.
How did the PE one go? My maths one was awfully confusing, Dx
Oh, Exams suck... I had my maths exam this morning... Horrible... =/
I'm fine thanks, just a little bored... Yourself? :)
Holaa,, :) We haven't spoken in ages...
Psst! Ignore emily!(timexhasxgone) I ish always on...The invisibility feature is a usefool tool ;) :D How've you been?!
Hallo... :)
Lol, Thanksee! Whats your FFnet username?
[ I don't come online for a week, when I'm normally on every night...I come back, and everything is...Different... Good and awesome But different... Also, did the staff change? Diff members names are red, and it confused me =/ ]
Holaa!.. :) I'm amazed I never found this group sooner...FFnet is my life...Literally...
:D :) :rockband:
OOC : Apologies for not being active!! Possible recap?
"As long as you can move. Come on bro." Methredel smiled, jumping down from the tree.
I'm good thanks xD
Sister? Awesome. And true, especially on a forum where people from all over the world are signed up xD
"Are you able to fly? It would be better if we got as far away from that cave as we can. We're only a short distance away from it..."