well i like the one called D~N~Angel i liked that........the book series is good 2 but the show is cool..........and all the anime everybody else said they r all great ^-^
Hola!! welcome ^_^ hope u have fun on here and read the rules..............if u ever need a friend im here ^-^
its cool ^_^ i liked it.....yeah....... its good ^-^
i love Jake Sparrow!! me a pirate girl ^-^ but i LOVE Jake Skellington 2 he cool..but i love Jack Sparrow 1 percent more than Jake Skellington
i no im sorry im not giving up......i just dont have any ideas......im sorry *starts crying*
yeah it should have been longer it wasnt even 2 hours!! but it was really funny and the bloopers at the end with the credits were a huge LOL!! ^_^ i liked it
Ansem was awsome 2 fight ^-^ i thought it would be hard 2 beat him but it was fun
o.o im getting a new laptop its gonna be pink ^_^ hehe well have fun kayla and dont forget about us lol......... ok is it my turn david
um should i go it doesnt matter 2 me??...............hi david and kayla what is up?? ^_^
^_^ yep i can tell lol dont get a big head lol ^_^ As me and David walked over 2 the big cornerstone thing. (Oh and david whatever scholarship u want i no u will get it^-^ dreams always come true hehe) Anyway as i stood beside the cornerstone i smiled Thank u David, this a dream come true. He smiled I just hope it works lol........ok here we go. He looked at me "Nobody no more" and then he kissed me. There was a yellow light around me and then it stoped. I looked around and it hit me Oh! i can feel my heart beating.............its my heart......and mine alone. I smiled at David and huged him Im so happy thank u David.......I love u. He smiled Im happy if ur happy. ok hope this isnt 2 chessey lol but who turn is it?? i lost track
(all david ur so sweet ^-^) ok ill write next......ill be right back.......
i no!!!!!! ^_^ that is so sweet!! hehe......come on kayla why wouldnt i say yes!! ^-^ gosh!! he did that like a pro..........!!!
its ok it doesnt have 2 be long..... um david u want 2 write next??
does this mean i have 2 write the same thing over again?? *sigh* As they got 2 the top of the world that never was tower they saw Saix holding the children. Saix laughed Well looks like u made it just in time 2 see ur babies become one of us. They will be very good students. Sora grined There is no way they will ever become one of u...........never. Saix put the children down Well this will be fun, Saix ran at them You will fall, keyblade masters.................and in no time Saix was on the ground fading. You will never win.......than he dissapeared. Sora and David ran over 2 the children and picked them up and held them close. They left holding the babies trying 2 calm them down as the babies cryed. ok david ur turn have fun^_^ sry its short i couldnt remenber what i wrote befor ^_^ sorry
I ran and got the phone, my hands trembling as i dialed the number. "Hello" it was Sora. I started to cry Sora im sorry......but the organization came and..........they took the children....... You have to come home now! I heared Sora tell Kairi and i heared her start 2 cry Ok we will leave now..........see u later, I heared Sora sigh and he hung up the phone. When they got home we stood there crying and me and David kept saying we where sorry. Sora smiled Its not ur fault we WILL get them back. We called everybody and they came and we told them about the organization and how they took the babies. We were all on another adventure...........ok David sorry its short but its all u ^_^
ok bye kayla!!! ^_^ its fine o.o wow thats like a week.......dang!!!! ok im here lets get this party started ^_^ As a surprise Sora took Kairi on a 3 day cruise (2 get away from the babies). WOW!! said Kairi as they went abored. I didn't relize how big it was. Sora smiled Well we need to get away once in awhile just us. Kairi smiled You sure David and Liz dont mind watching the babies? Sora laughed No David didnt mind and Lizzy wanted 2 stay with him 2 i dont no why?? But lets go find our room... sound good? Kairi smiled sure.^_^ When they got in the room it was beautiful! It was huge and a awsome window 2 look out and see the wide ocean. o.o WOW Kairi said with a laugh Sora its beautiful! Sora looked around OMG IT HAS A HOT TUB!! Thats so cool!! As they were having a great time, Lizzy and David were................your david and ill get back 2 the cruise after u write.... if u want 2 write??
omg........(wow that made me blush) lol.............ok organization member..........o.o i cant think of one........wait *starts thinking*
should i write next ^_^ or up 2 u???? (sorry i didnt write yet i have been working from 5-10 and im sorry) <_> ok.......sorry where r we going again??? i got lost im sorry
*yawn* well im going 2 bed so goodnight everone!!!!!! talk 2 u tomorrow ^_^ bye!!
hello not much^-^ well idk...........i guess.......im sorry!!