YAY!!!!!!!! we can both play DDR!!! ^-^ that is awsome ^-^ *starts danceing* yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yep yep ^_^ Spyro is awsome i love that cute little dragon ^-^ hehe ............me want 2 dance 2............now i want 2 play DDR.........yay!!!!
i like fire breathing dragons!!!......... ur right that would be cool o.o
ok.........im sorry..............i dont mean 2 spam.........i......i...sorry!!.......*run and hides in closet*....well me sorry because im still new 2 here.........and........*sniff*........sorry
what kind of ramdom things??...........wait maybe i dont want 2 no..............oh no me sorry 2 *starts crying*
o.o why u eat the flower??..................im gonna put mine in a jar..........yay!!!
yep bye Higher..............do i get flowers?? please
me sorry HB i didnt mean 2 copy.............im sorry...........*runs and hides in a box*..............i sometimes talk 2 myself..............idk............now I dont no what im talking about
.................oh my..................me didnt hear nothing..............hahaha................
ok..........kiryu's avatar is smexy ^-^....................and hello doomden ^_^............yeah..........now i think i got everything
................i am so lost.............what r we talking about again???.........0.o
i go back wed!!!!!................u lucky............i dont want 2 go back either
o.o o.o o.o
HELLO!!!........not much just talking about............well..........idk
im always in a good mood ^-^ thats all............
me still sorry............yay!!! ^_^
HELLO KIRYU ^-^. ......me sorry u felt left our burnitup.........me sorry
o.o wow......................this is a weird converstation..................hahahah
yep!!....lol..............than that means gay people r fruit loops??..........omg
oh........i hate slow days.......kikame i love your fruit loops thing im laughing my head right now LOL!!!