o.o why u make a sword??
when people mean stupid its like saying go and set that set that evil monkey in my closet on fire.........................JK not going 2 say SORRY!!!...............
AND GET ME A COOKIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..............THANK U^-^
o.o NOW I WANT SOME DR.PEPPER!!!!!!! AND THERE IS NONE HERE @.@................noooooooooooooooooooooo
o.o wow that bad huh?? and xValorxSorax do alot of stupid things..................LOL guessing u 2 did something stupid on new years......................i wish it was new years.............*sigh*
that is the niceest thing someone has told me today thank u^-^ me happy again..............i think everyone on here has a wonder personality
well................maybe.....................IM JUST HAPPY AND HAPPY PEOPLE............R HYPER!!HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHAHAH.......................yeah i guess ill stop being happy.............~_~
*pops head out of bush*........HELLO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^__^ how is everyone doing this it wed??? sorry
HELLO ^-^ and welcome..........if u ever need someone 2 talk 2 or just need a friend u can always pm me^_^..................oh and have fun on here well should i write or david do u want 2 finish whatever u r writing??.....or r u done?? sorry ~_~
Hello and welcome^-^ hope u have fun on here and if u ever need a friend or just want 2 talk just send me a pm ^_^..............yep sounds good
o.o they have a weird smile?? i learned something today ^-^
..........what about a hippy???...............
*starts claping* that was beautiful...........why would they put racist words in a song that is horrible yep yep
yeah i dont like all the screaming music it has on point 2 it........rock,pop,like some country is good but when they start playing the bango than i turn it off lol
hello and welcome^-^......if u ever need a friend or just want 2 talk send me a pm ok ^_^..........i like ur avatar 2 its cool just had coffee being a spaz........YAY!!!!!!! o.o really???..............what??? Im Hyper!!!!! I Like That Song ^-^ Its Awsome!!