they r awsome and cute ^^ tell her me said that lol
*silence* i was coughing.........**cough**
thank u ^-^ me like yours ^^
thank ya thank ya^-^ well not much here.........i think
well no one me a warm welcome T-T J/k what up everyone?? ^^
ok sorry this took 2 effin long.........sorry kayla........time 4 a wedding!!! Well that night we decided that we should have the wedding the next day. So the whole night befor the wedding everyone was busy putting the whole wedding thing together. As kairi,Namine,and Kayla helped me find a cute wedding dress (sorry no pink dresses). And as the guys help David do well........idk guys stuff. lol Later that night, as the girls were talking about (and eating something lol).......well the regular girl stuff and watching the children.........and we were all talking about honeymoon ideas when this whole battle is over. We all though that somewhere beachie and fun in the sun would be the best place like........well kayla where we going?? ok finally im done guess kayla is up......
yeah i have no idea what they r talking about im just gonna wait........*gogets popcorn*.........anyone want popcorn?? lol
............ok i was trying 2 be nice.......and........and.........T-T.........i feel better im scared..........*runs in closet* dont hurt me
i no its 2 full in here..................i feel really small.............*runs away*
u seem sad or angery i cant tell..........
me sorry *gives a dozen cookies* ok feel better now right??
um........*slience* i have 2 answer this?? JK ^-^
HELLO PEOPLES!!!!! what we talking about????
YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD I PHAIL AT EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!...........IM SOOOOOOOO HAPPY I PHAIL!!!!!!!!!!...............*cookies all around*
NO I WANT 2 FAIL *slience*.............why am i telling myself that i fail o.o...........ok that is just weird!!
CAN WE PLEASE ALL GET ALONG!!!!!!!!!! I DONT LIKE FIGHTING ABOUT PEOPLE WHO FAIL.................*runs away*.............ME FAIL 2!!!!!!!!!!
i no i should have never put that.......................but it was really sorry i had 2 let everyone read that...........
today one of my teachers broke his jaw over the summer and i asked him how he broke it and hes i dont think u want 2 no....................... i no that was ramdom but that was so effin creppy..........0.o