hey hey hey how is everyone today????
hey!! =] i dont have alot of friends either and i would love to be your friend so when you want to talk just pm me i look forward to it =]]]
AMAZING movie like they all say we all need more vincent in our life
YAY PARTY!!!!!!!!!!! lol
wow this place is like a family reunion lol all friends together again
oh a long time it has been lol
haha thats good so what is up on here??
hey everyone havent been on here for a long time =] so how is everyone??
heyyyy my best friend in the world!!!! love you have fun
omg im sorry i didnt mean to say that im so sorry
omg i heard its going to be amazing im so excited for it!!! well now peter is back and thats good i cried when he died lol
that yesterday was national tree month of something and its been said on that day you have to plant a tree.............is this even true???
ummmm hey everyone =] sorry i didnt quit i have been busy soooo do you want me to go next??
TT-TT thank u.....im sorry.........um when someone gets on here should i just work on writing the one kayla wrote above this....or.........this is just the idea i should write about just get back 2 me....thanks
ok peoples here the deal.........that i no u both really hate me for not writing........and u all want me 2 quit.......i will write tomorrow when i get home....and if i dont u can hate me........ok so im sorry love u all Liz
wait why r u singing again??..........whatever i want to hear a song i say YES!!! SING SING!!
its fine i no what ur talking about please dont over think
hahahahaahahaahahahahahhaha............i dont think befor i act.........**cough** oh...........ok **runs away**
*shakes head* yep it is