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  1. Umiyuri Papaeyra
    I really need to ask this, out of curiosity.

    You know the Water Form timed fights? D'ya have anything to remove the time limit (or make it loop endlessly like the clocks on Sonic games when they're hacked)? I ask this since I'm one of those people who's strong against Xaldin but weak against Demyx.
    Post by: Umiyuri Papaeyra, Feb 16, 2010 in forum: Code Vault
  2. Umiyuri Papaeyra
    Disney and SQUARE ENIX seem to have equal shares. He's got icons on Disney websites and you can buy KH merch in the Japanese branch of the Disney Store. And SQUARE ENIX also sell dolls and jewellery. But while SE credit Disney next to all of their items for sale, I've not yet seen Disney credit SE on a lot of the stuff. And let's remember the early footage of KHII has a Disney copyright floating in the corner, with SE's only credit being on the game logo itself.

    So... I dunno.
    Post by: Umiyuri Papaeyra, Feb 15, 2010 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  3. Umiyuri Papaeyra
    This viewer's jaw dropped when Vanitas spoke. Greater_bloo has a very, very charismatic voice. I wanted Ven to break canon and follow him just to hear more of it. :3 The Hallstar's Master Xehanort was also nice, and the microphone's lack of quality didn't get in the way all that much. And nice accent! As a Brit, I don't mind us being cast a villains constantly. We seem to have good accents for it regardless of the implications.

    To repeat one of the Youtube comments, Ryusuke's Eraqus does sound a little bored or sad. But I guess that, it being a formal event, it's better for him to adopt a monotone voice rather than be all announcy and junk.

    There's a point where the Japanese line obviously continued, but the English one stopped and there was a bit of an awkward pause, but other than that, the translation was pretty good, better than on some of the other videos. Though, don't be afraid to stretch lines out where they need to be stretched out.

    So, in general, good job, I guess! ^-^
    Post by: Umiyuri Papaeyra, Feb 14, 2010 in forum: Community News & Projects
  4. Umiyuri Papaeyra
    As Repliku proved, Replicas have hearts; in any case Xion would need one (even an artificially-created one) to wield a Keyblade. Therefore, she has the capacity to fall in love.

    However, I don't think she lived long enough to do so; Roxas and Axel were just her best friends and she only loved them in an entirely platonic way, so that's out. Riku was... well, what she felt towards Riku was probably either what Sora felt towards Riku (hero worship, most likely, mancrush, just about possible) or what Sora hoped Kairi felt towards Riku at the beginning of KH1 (only friendship, nothing more) or some kind of amalgamation of both. Riku's behaviour wouldn't match up to her mental impression, though, so he's gone too.

    But if this thread's about who she would grow to love in time, if she had been given enough of it to do so... well, Riku might end up a possible love interest if she tried to distance herself from Sora and Kairi both. Not that he'd want it, of course. Xion is meant to be Sora but looks and acts like Kairi. It would feel like cheating on them both, and the guy's trying to atone for everything he's ever done to them.

    (scusi LOLing at the 'a girl?...' option because that's bound to mean Naminé)
    Post by: Umiyuri Papaeyra, Feb 14, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  5. Umiyuri Papaeyra
    Wait, wut. Vexen? No, he's just a creepy but often put-upon jerkass. Which is a pity, since he alone seems to carry out the good majority of the Apprentices' research now that they have elemental superpowers and a round room with big chairs. :|

    Marly? ...Well... Marly's something, but I haven't figured out what that something is. There's a comprimise between straight and gay arguments called 'metrosexual' - all the social behaviour and none of the actual squickiness. I don't have a clue if it applies to the guy, though, since... well, we've never seen his personal life.

    And for the record, I always thought the colour of Marly's hair was purposefully something like a light version of rosewood (making it not rosewood anymore, but hey).
    Post by: Umiyuri Papaeyra, Feb 12, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  6. Umiyuri Papaeyra

    It's a Okinawan name meaning 'sun'. It really suits the sunny Tidus. (Of course, it's actually Tiida, without the su on the end, but that sounds too adorable. Like some nickname Selphie came up with or something.)

    Maybe Tai-dus is just Selphie making fun of him being in a closed shirt for his school uniform. :) Rub it in, girl.
    Post by: Umiyuri Papaeyra, Feb 12, 2010 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  7. Umiyuri Papaeyra
    Don't worry about that last one. There were rumours about Axel actually being an ex-boyfriend in the Japanese version of KHII some time ago, or being intended to have been. Even as a new Akuroku shipper (well, of the starboarding variety), there's a huge NAH! drifting from my direction. XD
    Post by: Umiyuri Papaeyra, Feb 12, 2010 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  8. Umiyuri Papaeyra
    Proof that Disney currently hates the UK finding out they made this series - the page constantly reroutes to the UK page, where this game isn't available.

    I wonder if somebody'll copy it onto a spreadsheet and give it me via e-mail...
    Post by: Umiyuri Papaeyra, Feb 10, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  9. Umiyuri Papaeyra
    I don't think the lipsync is going to take it this time - BBS was their main project, not a remake, and the cutscenes are also made with the game engine... Therefore, if the game isn't re-synced, then they have no excuse. (Days' voiced cutscenes were practically FMVs ported onto the DS with the voicelines saved and cued separately, and ReCoM was originally just a freebie that came with FM+.)

    I can think of one thing they absolutely must censor in BBS, and that's the firebomb incident... which therefore requires being completely reanimated. Add that to dubbing, lipsyncing, adding extras (since the English versions of KH had extra bosses in, remember?) and the date sounds pretty fair to me.

    The ''waiting on Europe' crap', Darkside103190, would happen to be 'waiting until the various European dubs and localisations are finished before releasing the game'. It means that the PAL version of the game gets released next to or not too long after the NTSC version in America. The benefit is that us guys in the UK don't wait six or eight months to get the game after all the US guys on the Internet have spoiled it for us. The drawback is that it also pulls the American release dates back.
    Post by: Umiyuri Papaeyra, Feb 10, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  10. Umiyuri Papaeyra
    Right, this is pretty long, so I'm putting it in spoilers.

    I'm gonna note that I always thought it was weird in KHII for Roxas to just up and leave one day in search of Sora, and then completely ignore Axel when the guy tried to stop him. For such a great friendship (built without hearts, yes, but Axel certainly fared well without one) it fell apart way too easily. And Deep Dive as well didn't make sense because he came back. Why come back? He was looking for Sora. Without answers for that, the event that triggered the plot made no sense and KHII became just fun, but nonsensical in the worst sense.

    Then along comes Xion - this little vision of loveliness who gets Roxas all worked up about her... who then turned out to be an unwilling soul-sucking monster designed to swallow up Roxas and become the perfect warrior. And then Nomura takes the perception of what a Mary Sue is and literally applies it to the character.

    Roxas is caught up in his little fantasy (we'll echo the boy in my dreams together and have a happy ending), and Axel doesn't want to break his little not-heart, so he keeps secrets... until Xion runs off to try and give herself to a better cause instead of working for the Oestrogen Brigade Bait, because she (unlike millions of fangirls) has realised that yes, the good majority of the Organisation is evil, no, they are not just misunderstood, and that the world would be a better place if Sora was there instead of her. The Superior maliciously tells everybody what she is: a deliberate Sue, designed only to help them take over the world and be their mindless, all-conquering slave. A faceless doll who thought she had her own identity when she was even less than nothing. She is now a danger to the Organisation (or, if you want to read the subtext, to canon) and must be destroyed for the sake of their plan (and the plot).

    Roxas is, obviously, ticked at Axel. After all, friends are meant to tell the truth, because as Sora he thinks that's how the world works. Axel, meanwhile, doesn't know how to react when things blow up in his face because normally everything works out perfectly for him - but Nobodies who pretend they really do have hearts with such conviction that it has to be right are different and unpredictable, and he can't stop Roxas from running away. (There's also the fact that not everything he wants is something that everybody else wants - Roxas doesn't want the truth, he just wants to have friends. A lack of sympathy means Axel can't know that until it's too late.)

    At that point, Roxas going makes sense to me. Roxas is basically Sora. Sora views Kairi as perfect and is pretty much right about her - a Princess of Heart, who always had feelings for him, and her flaws aren't debilitating. Roxas has somebody like Kairi who he views as perfect too. It turns out she isn't. At the same time he's remembering Sora getting his perfect girl. It makes him angrier than anything - Why should this guy get everything I don't!? What's the point of these visions!? If Sora is related to Xion... then he'll know the answers!

    And then there's destroying her - facing the truth. She is going to kill you if she survives, but if she dies, things can get back on track. The world can be returned to the way it was always meant to be. Roxas kills her, and she hammers into him the things he (and the audience) really needed to realise in the first place. Roxas takes her words with him and goes to carry out his revenge on the Organisation. This is why he went back for Deep Dive.

    Unfortunately, memories start slipping away. To the person playing the game, that's pretty much okay: we need Roxas to forget about her and concentrate on him goal; it's the only thing that's important. Besides, the girl was a tragic but horrible creature. In the end, she deserves to be nothing to him, and grief can't swallow you up forever. The problematic thing about wiping this girl from his mental history is that she just happens to be Roxas' current reason for living. He ends up lost fighting Riku without a purpose other than some kind of score count he can barely remember and the basic idea of Organisation = bad, Keyblade to the head = good... and loses his fight.

    Somehow a cruel satire on Mary Sue becomes a legitimate reason for both why Roxas left and why he lost... or at least it does in this mind. And if neither of those events had happened, Sora wouldn't be awake at all, and Kingdom Hearts II wouldn't have happened.

    (By the way, I've been told you have to treat your characters as tools to move the plot along. If you get too attached, they warp into Mary-Sues.)
    Post by: Umiyuri Papaeyra, Feb 10, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  11. Umiyuri Papaeyra
    (Directed at Shadow55551, so's ya know.)


    *is literally-minded, pardon* *will now inspect your very awesome avatar from a fair distance away*
    Post by: Umiyuri Papaeyra, Feb 9, 2010 in forum: Community News & Projects
  12. Umiyuri Papaeyra
    First attempt to Drive after the Sora-Roxas-head-fight thingy. I backtracked into the previous area to get some EXP (and to fight lots of Neoshadows - I liked those guys), asked to Drive, and FWOOSH! OMGshiny~
    Post by: Umiyuri Papaeyra, Feb 9, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  13. Umiyuri Papaeyra
    How early on?

    Umm... I think it was somewhere in... Land of Dragons, first visit. Yes. I'd used Drive about once. Since I like the ability to throw loads of punches in a short time (and also demonic possession and such weird things), I was grinning with glee the entire fight. No healing? Who cares when I can kill these things before that matters?

    Then the cutscene brought him out of it, and that was depressing.
    Post by: Umiyuri Papaeyra, Feb 9, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  14. Umiyuri Papaeyra

    Somebody PLEASE find a clean version of the artwork.
    Post by: Umiyuri Papaeyra, Feb 9, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  15. Umiyuri Papaeyra
    Sora's with... nobody. There's no romance in Kingdom Hearts except for with the canon Disney characters and maybe Zack because he's an idiot and it was a reference to his game. Mr Nomura said so.

    Yeah, not even Kairi. They're just friends - friends with unresolved romantic tension, but friends. So... Sora's... either not interested in any of his immediate friends anyway, or he's completely asexual.

    I don't think he even knows what '-sexual' or any of its derivative terms mean, him being the innocent doofus that he is. And I mean that in the most adorable way possible.

    (My friend, if he ends up with Roxas, and God knows that's sorta possible if he returns Ven's heart and wakes him up successfully, I will officially die from laughter. My official stance is, if actual romance has to be there, SoraXKairiXRiku, all roles equal.)
    Post by: Umiyuri Papaeyra, Feb 8, 2010 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  16. Umiyuri Papaeyra
    Eh? How is it the fangirls' fault? (Especially considering the dub was made by guys. O_o) The line he says is his Japanese catch-phrase, which was dubbed with 'Got it memorised?' because that takes about the same amount of time to speak and carries similar meaning.

    I doubt it's our fault he likes saying so much.
    Post by: Umiyuri Papaeyra, Feb 8, 2010 in forum: Community News & Projects
  17. Umiyuri Papaeyra
    I think I can give you a 'Sora'. ;) Not sure if I'd be suited for anybody in particular, though.
    Post by: Umiyuri Papaeyra, Feb 6, 2010 in forum: Project Casting
  18. Umiyuri Papaeyra
    I see the translation's a little less awkward this time around. :D

    Good job, mostly. Newkidaye's voice sounded a bit forced though, and your tone was off on that last few lines. Other than that, this was pretty awesome, and your dubs brought the scene to life pretty well.
    Post by: Umiyuri Papaeyra, Feb 6, 2010 in forum: Community News & Projects
  19. Umiyuri Papaeyra
    I think it's one of those Reno's-hair-bunny questions... We'll never know the answer. He just got it, and that's it.

    Though we definitely know that Soul Eater was transformed into the Way to the Dawn by Riku's atonement, I don't have a clue how he got his hands on the Destiny Place. Maybe he received the Keychain from... somebody... and manifested it on his own... somehow...

    Maybe the Riku we see at the end of KHII can just dual-wield like a Drive Form?

    In which case the phrase 'hell yes' is in order.
    Post by: Umiyuri Papaeyra, Feb 5, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  20. Umiyuri Papaeyra

    First proper GMV (as in, lots of experimentation with video here).

    Lyrics, as the song is very new and completely unknown:

    I see you looking at us
    Not liking what you see
    You can discriminate us
    But that won't make us bleed

    Coz I see you movin' to the groove we're makin'
    And you're shakin' to the beat we bounce so...

    Come over here, we don't bite, look right
    Sit tight, we're you're new best friends for life

    I've been up all night
    I don't have enough tears for what you've done to me
    I'll set your house alight
    I'll drop the match for all the world to see
    You won't forget me

    *You can run but I'll outrun you, hun
    You can fly, banzai out of the sky
    You can drive you'll never survive
    (Don't try)
    (You won't forget me)
    Go move on, anon won't be long gone
    Go impress, confess you I possess
    Don't you cry, imply that you are mine
    (Don't try)
    (You won't forget me)

    And through my misty eyes now
    The world looks black and blue
    Your every breath makes me seethe
    But what's a boy to do

    It's so easy being all limp and breezy
    Make you sleezy over meezy so
    I'll beat you down to the ground
    Don't make a sound, no-one's ever gonna come for you

    I've been up all night
    Just trying to see things from your twisted point of view
    I'm sorry for Snow White
    The prince wasn't all he cracked up to be
    She won't forget me

    * REPEAT

    **So long, be gone, your life will carry on
    So long, be gone, don't cry as we burn on you

    I got an itch, don't twitch, you can be my *****
    I know that you secretly want to


    * REPEAT x2
    Thread by: Umiyuri Papaeyra, Feb 4, 2010, 1 replies, in forum: Production Studio