I think most of us decided Ventus over Mickey because, before KHI's epilogue (the scene set to Hand in Hand), the last time you hear the voice speak there's a gust of wind. Personally, I thought Mickey was only the voice Riku could hear, and that was because they'd met, but remember, no fanon allowed here. :|
Whatever breathes, my friend. Whatever breathes.
I have a doodle of Sora as a toy somewhere. He was a ragdoll like Woody. Though I think action figure is more appropriate now... But darn, I don't wanna say goodbye to Herc and Hades...! Olympus Coliseum is pretty much a staple of the series. Besides, Herc and Sora's reunion in KHII was awesome with a real 'feel-good' mood about it. Also the whole "meh, we've been saving the world and beating the crap out of Eldritch abominations, so... nothing special" attitude Sora puts on is just hilarious.
Square's dating system in FFVII worked because that had text boxes on a traditional map (basically no difference between regular play and scenes) rather than voiced cutscenes, so it was much easier to actually hide when a question relating to the dating game would crop up. KH doesn't have that set-up, so it'd be a bit difficult to set up a bunch of questions that secretly count to a hidden score. I think the Sora-Riku option'd only be similar to the Cloud-Barret option in VII anyway - toooootally straight, yup. (But if you got the dragged Cloud to win the beauty contest, he'd pretend Barret was his boyfriend in order to try and get away from Don Corneo's amorous advances... (Hey, let's get a version of that in there instead! I wanna see Sora try out that princess dress from the manga more often. X3)
There's a general rule that if a loanword has a 'tii' sound, it's rendered as 'teii' because there's no character in Japanese for the sound (which is distinct from 'chi'). The Okinawan language, however, does have a 'tii' sound.
...I did at least notice that in KHI Sora's slightly more physically assertive with Riku. First time he meets up with them both after the island goes boom, Kairi gets a hug, and Riku gets his face molested... which is done to check that it's Riku. In KHII he's more emotional to him because Riku's been avoiding him out of fear and he wants to let him know how much he was missed. And the ending is pretty much the two of them making amends and going, "yeah, let's start over. I'm Sora, and you're Riku, and if you're here and Kairi's safe, then I'm good." ... >_> <_< Come ooooooooooon, lighten up. This is fandom. If there's a bunch of attractive men in it, you bet your munny there'll be yaoi. You can also bet your munny there'll be arguments like this one. But as long as people are able to separate their fanon and the canon in their heads, it's all good, right? ...I mean, you can choose what you want and don't want to view on the internet, right? ...Right? And I always separate 'pairings' from 'theories'. So when I go through theories, I do research and I go through everything, but when I couple, I already know it's not canon, so I go and have fun.
Speaking of Death Note... "I couldn't live in a world without Light!" "Yes, it would be dark."
Interesting fact - Xion was actually thought up partway through KHII. If you want the parts I saw as hints, those would be the seashell at the beginning of the Passion FMV, the two Org. members in the background of the Axel+Roxas drawing (Xion and Saix), and the fact that for some reason everybody - err... every nobody except for Axel, Xemnas and Saix seems to see Sora as Roxas.
A very relaxing type of mission. I just have to sit in one place and hit the attack button every thirty seconds, and you don't get hurt for it unless you stray into the path of other Heartless, which normally get beaten up within minutes. You can guess I probably use this time go exploring and such. For some reason I like the second one you find in Wonderland the most, probably because Axel is your back-up and it's funny to watch him fly after the guy trying to catch it. I'm very clearly in the minority here.
Not on Curious Village; a friend's got it on an R4 and it works just fine. And yes, before it's asked of me, it's a US copy. Lani Minella and everything. I wonder if the rom source has something wrong with it... Also, the same friend has Days and there's no copy protection on that, so I don't know what Cyanide means there.
...Maybe you two guys need to see more shounen-ai fic: cute, shippy, like the good majority of straight fics in that it's actual romantic, couple-y stuff and not two guys going at each other in an explicit manner. This board seems oddly... uptight about the whole heterosexuality thing.
...Vexen cartwheels and M-Mickey rolls... *furious playing to unlock Mickey*
Heyas. X| This is embarrassing... but thank you for the invitation.
Glowing crowns and floating dark cards... Can you tell me where they're placed and give a more detail description? A screenshot would be beautiful (just take a photo of the object on the TV).
Well, that's not Sora. That's a Data Sora - a digital duplicate. Nomura meant the real thing. I call that Data Sora 'Tara' for easy discrimination. (You could've mentioned Chain of Memories there, my good chap.)
...I'm apparently no-one in particular, but I score four out of five for both Zexion and Roxas. Huh.
According to Nomura, it's simply a 'side-effect' of Sora's time as a Heartless, but the term on its own is vague. This is how it came out in my head. As usual, I need to come up with some kind of TL;DR version. For now it's in a spoiler box with size-one text. Spoiler Remember when Riku was possessed by Xehanort's Heartless? His body was eventually returned, and he fought off the man's control, but he always remembered that it happened in his heart. The guilt and fear remained. When fighting Roxas, he fought his fear, brought the memory back up, and willingly allowed the darkness to take over once again. The side-effect of the possession changed Riku's shape into that of Xehanort's Heartless (but he kept his mind). Anti-Form is the result of Sora's turning into a Heartless; the form happens because of the memory in his heart. Sora lost his body and soul (those pieces turning into Roxas) and his heart was consumed by the darkness. However, Kairi's love shaped for him a 'body' from the light that was in her newly-returned heart. So the Sora we see at the end of KHI and in Chain of Memories is a being comprised of light and a heart. We all know memories are very powerful things. They can control personalities, friendships and physical abilities. Memories also brought Maleficent back from the dead - the memory of darkness can cause a huge, concentrated explosion of it, and the body can be affected by it. The effects can either be controlled by somebody who has learned how to (DiZ, for example, disguises himself) or not (Maleficent's return was unwanted and cannot be reversed). In KHI and Chain of Memories, Sora has no body to be affected by the memory when it is brought up in speech, but when II starts, Roxas is returned to Sora. However, for a long time, Sora cannot consciously recall being a Heartless. The Anti-Form only occurs when Sora tries to call on a great amount of light - maybe his heart subconsciously remembers being a Heartless when this happens, and he is transformed into a dark, Heartless-like form. Interestingly, when Roxas and Sora start working together (when Final Form is collected), the memory becoming a conscious one has no effect. I guess Roxas is helping to fight off the transformation as well, as he holds the element of Light. ...Go theory!
Oh, God, the Theories! IDEA! It's a puzzle game featuring either Naminé as she pieces together Sora's memories, or Apprentice Xehanort, as he makes new friends, rises to the top of the pizza chemical industry, and plots to DESTROY THE WORLDS. For WiiWare, XBox Live Arcade, PlayStation Network and ???. :D
Uhhh... Mena Suvari. :| I liked Mandy Moore better.
Just snooped around looking at the other award winners. Best Action Game: Sonic and the Black Knight. (!? Kingdom Hearts is an action game, not an adventure game, so I was sure it'd win that one. Oh well.) Shocking job, fuzzy! I would've rather nominated that for the best story award, but props to Days all the same. Also, Scribblenauts seems to have only beaten the good ol' Professor Layton to Best Puzzle Game by a margin, which is pretty sweet.