I once heard this rap song while in the classroom one day and it was very, very explicitly about a woman whoring herself out. VERY loud and VERY explicit. It's the only song in the history of the world that has made me walk out of class while it was still running. (I will normally sit through absolutely anything if there's a decent drumbeat, or I like the chord progression, or if it's useful as background noise. Blame taking Music for GCSE - instead of calling a song horrible, you guess its tempo and the instruments being used and try to work out its structure while asking yourself if you think you can cue it in MIDI.)
Yo, boys, boys, slow down already! Concentrate on one game at a time! (Also, what was this generous treatment Re:CoM got again? As far as I can see it didn't get one.)
There is still promotional work to do as well. And then reviewers and previews and that kind of thing - even after a game is finished companies will do a sh**-ton to make sure it sells. You know, get their money back. (Also, UK website, no matter how hard you try, you can't hide that 12 rating~)
I took a look at the DSiWare game footage they'd linked and suddenly burst out, "Oh, that's clever!" because... well, it actually rather is. The little web-cam on the handheld seems to track the placement of the eye and the in-game camera shifts in tune. :) 3D without the glasses indeed! I only wish they stopped bringing out handhelds so damned fast, though. I still have my DSPhat, and it's still completely serviceable. ;_;
I'm liking the EU site. Let's see, we have confirmed a few lines, the typeface being used for the subs and... The PEGI rating is 12. :) Don't attempt to cover it up with that bar, it's very clearly twelve. As for release, if this comes out in August then that's my birthday present sorted!
:| They just had to put The Next Generation of Naruto on the cover, didn't they. Who's that sleeping guy on the second volume's cover?
Well, I have only the EU version of KHII, but... Go all out on the offensive. Magic might be useful if you know the enemy's weak element, but physical attacks always work unless plot dictates. Pay attention to cutscenes and visual effects in battle just in case. Use AP on support abilities such as Draw, Drive Boost, Second Chance, Once More and such. Avoid using Cure, Drives or Summons unless as a last resort. Donald and Goofy can revive after being knocked out, so just concentrate on yourself. Reaction Commands must always be triggered perfectly, so practice timing button-presses in Atlantica or with rhythm games like PaRappa the Rapper. Do NOT use Auto Limits or Auto Drives as this often blocks the Reaction Command from showing. I've discovered these tactics seem to work in all the games, entertainingly.
The question remains, "Who produced the child pornography in the first place?" There goes a man who will never be arrested because everybody goes for the consumer and nobody even thinks about the producer.
"I am the terror that flaps in the night! I am the... the keyring that hangs on your sword?" "Who is this kook?"
The entire Org writes at least one or two reports. (Demyx's are hilarious, tragic, and expose his major flaws as both a villain and a person, despite there only being two of them.) Roxas is the only person who doesn't write them because you can already find his reports in his diary. Axel actually writes several reports, not just one. I think he gets the most displayed in the game.
Playing the game the first time, I never thought anything was weird about that line. On my current second run, I smiled a stupid, pervy smile. And then I found a pervy fanfic based off it, except it was what Setzer would've done if he meant it that way and he lost. The smile faded a little. The next time I hear this line, in context or out, I'm gonna scream "Rapist!" in my head because of that fic.
Without cheats: I still can't beat Riku at Destiny Island at anything! Not to worry, though, because I renamed the Gummi Ship once I got it anyway. Go, PhailWhale! (And later PhailWhale 2.0, with Mini Whales as Teeny Ships!) With cheats: My 'All Drive Forms' code doesn't access at the start of KHII because my 'Nine Drive Bars' code doesn't activate outside of Drive. ;_; Cue breakdown... until I realise that who honestly cares when I can keep throwing Valour Form into cutscenes? Other than that I'm surprisingly accepting of basically everything. Even Seifer's terrible, terrible 'lamers' line. Because I think he's a dork like that and that just made him more pleasantly dorky.
All three. If they worked together, it'd be the most badass thing on the planet. (Also, throw in Conan. He can be their mascot.)
Maybe there should be a noncanon OVA. About, maybe, Sora and the gang visiting a new world that they didn't in the game?
As a complete weeaboo I think a good number of these body pillows are freakin' adorable (whaaaat? So many of the older ones are just cute), but this guy's head needs checking. Seriously. I mean, the DS girl had personality at the very least.
"You should start using Twitter." "I have nothing... to say on it." Goddammit. That made me laugh. That, and his response to the Dissidia question. I saw him bowing in panic in my head.
Hmm... It's not really an issue over here since we're one country and one state all the same in England (okay, we have counties, but they're not really the same as states). Certain areas might need certain laws because of extenuating circumstances, but driving age really isn't one of those things. So, it should be up to the national government, I'd guess.
...Somebody's a FFVIII fan up there. (Doesn't help that Roxas seems to be one, either.) Anyway, someone take some screenshots of this for me since I can't access the damn thing because Disney won't allow me to look at their US site and keep redirecting me to disney.co.uk which I didn't ask for arrghblargleblargsnurf
Xion and Riku? Not canon, no chance of becoming canon, would take extremely f'ed-up circumstances to become canon, but like most pairings the fans of this series come up, completely adorable. Though let's throw these guys a bone - whil Xion's a Replica of Sora, that's not the same as a direct clone. For the most part she's a blank doll full of memories - these change her visible shape ("I see myself the way you remember me" kinda thing) but nothing else. As an actual person she's void. :| Her personality isn't the same as Sora's, either, but it's Sora perception of Kairi. Sora, at the start of the first game, seems to think that Kairi is flirting with Riku; maybe Xion could start to feel something for him based on that warped memory. Whether Riku reciprocates or not? Before KHI he probably would've. I guess accidentally destroying the world by trying to reach out really wrecks your social courage. ...Anyone else think Xion and Repliku would also be cute (and slightly more fitting)? (We need to stop having these nearly-but-not-really offshoots of Sora and Riku. It's distracting. Before, all the offshoots of Kairi were cute and distracting, but now the offshoots of Sora and Riku are really distracting.)
Oh? Mi dispiace...