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  1. Umiyuri Papaeyra
    Actually, has anyone said Herc yet? I found his model sheets on the internet the other week and died of happiness. He's so damn coy!
    Post by: Umiyuri Papaeyra, Apr 30, 2010 in forum: Disney Galaxy
  2. Umiyuri Papaeyra
    Oh, blocks are funny. We have to go on this site called Debut Art to find artists for research, and it'll block the results for searching the 'men' tag because of violence... but it won't block the results for searching the 'sex' tag. Really.
    Post by: Umiyuri Papaeyra, Apr 30, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Umiyuri Papaeyra


    I cried. I cried so much.
    Post by: Umiyuri Papaeyra, Apr 29, 2010 in forum: Gaming
  4. Umiyuri Papaeyra
    ...They should animate it. Traditionally.

    Now all we need to do is reopen Disney's hand-animation studio.
    Post by: Umiyuri Papaeyra, Apr 24, 2010 in forum: Disney Galaxy
  5. Umiyuri Papaeyra
    Post by: Umiyuri Papaeyra, Apr 23, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Umiyuri Papaeyra
    Three moments come to mind. Here they are, going backwards in time:

    1) The return from The Princess and the Frog not being enough to keep Disney's hand animation studio open; the next hand-animated film that was scheduled for release (The Snow Queen, wasn't it?) has now been cancelled as CGI is cheaper than hand animation these days.

    2) Michael Eisner gaining control of Disney - this directly led to DTV sequels and the decay of the Disney Channel, because the man had absolutely no idea how to run the company. Thankfully he has been kicked out and replaced... but by John Lasseter, reinforcing the fact that Disney, once the forerunner of animation, now have to rely on Pixar - who they made famous in the first place - to survive.

    3) Walt Disney's death. Seriously, nobody mentions this? The studio nearly died as well when this happened. It took literally decades to recover.
    Post by: Umiyuri Papaeyra, Apr 22, 2010 in forum: Disney Galaxy
  7. Umiyuri Papaeyra

    ...I knew I had a design somewhere!
    Thread by: Umiyuri Papaeyra, Apr 21, 2010, 2 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  8. Umiyuri Papaeyra
    DDD&shy;: I don't want to do that!
    Post by: Umiyuri Papaeyra, Apr 21, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  9. Umiyuri Papaeyra
    So... if the government stay weak then the schools become racially segregated.

    But if the government crack down on this Obama will be called an oppresive dictator and, like it does with these things, the fact that he's the first black president and he's doing this will come to mean that he does this because he's black.
    Post by: Umiyuri Papaeyra, Apr 21, 2010 in forum: Current Events
  10. Umiyuri Papaeyra
    I didn't! XD
    Post by: Umiyuri Papaeyra, Apr 21, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  11. Umiyuri Papaeyra
    Well, in the case of Saix, that's true, but that at least proves there's more happening in Sora's in brain than "See the black cloak? See it? See it? Fetch!"

    *quickly imagines Sora as a puppy* *now has trouble getting the image out of her brain*

    There seems to be an opinion that if it's not written by the same person / same group of people as the original, then it's crap and shouldn't exist at all. I personally don't mind KHII at all (in fact I love the game to bits; it was one of the first games I bought for myself). I realise there's some stupid moments in it, but they don't make me want to write off what's still a good game.

    *checks cutscene* *no, seriously*

    Nope. Squall didn't even work out it was the Princesses. He got stuck when King Mickey walked in, and he had to tell them, "Well, the Door to Darkness can only be opened by the seven princesses."

    And if you're wondering this is a detail feud. I get into these often. No biggie, just stems from my OCD.

    Also when I try to quote you all the quotes turn gold and it's magical. :D
    Post by: Umiyuri Papaeyra, Apr 21, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  12. Umiyuri Papaeyra
    ...Except for the parts where Axel and Saix appear. 'Cause, you know, just glaring at a guy because you don't trust him is exactly the same as attacking and killing him on command like a dog. :|

    But who cares, y'know? KHII is a piece of crap because it wasn't written by the same person who wrote KHI and everybody who thinks that Sora grew more mature in KHII is wrong. Okay? Okay.

    *goes and sits in the corner*

    I don't think Sora's an idiot, I just think he's a dork. Your mind doesn't mature if you're asleep for a year... and it especially can't if Roxas is kicking and screaming trying to get out, and it's even worse if you're the kid with a Peter Pan complex goin' on. Note that when Roxas accepts being part of Sora, he's not brilliantly fast, but he at least concentrates a bit more.

    Oh, and Squall didn't figure out the DTD password. Mickey gave it to him.
    Post by: Umiyuri Papaeyra, Apr 20, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  13. Umiyuri Papaeyra
    Also, remember those hearts formed an incomplete 'Keyblade of People's Hearts'. It's a Keyblade not created by chains of memories. Just a little note there.

    Though, do you find it interesting? Princesses of Heart can't produce a Heartless because their heart flees the body, and either finds a vessel or becomes part of a Keyblade. The body can't become a Nobody, either. It's not Kairi's body that created Naminé, after all.

    Back on subject, I have this kinda dumb idea. There have to be tons of Heartless confined below - and the Cavern of Remembrance also matches up with this idea of being 'confined below the castle', though it's slightly less literal about this than the castle dungeon.
    Post by: Umiyuri Papaeyra, Apr 17, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  14. Umiyuri Papaeyra
    "Hellooooooooo, doctor!"
    Post by: Umiyuri Papaeyra, Apr 12, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Umiyuri Papaeyra
    ...Okay then. You're allowed to delete Xion from your mental canon. Doesn't change the fact she exists and she's going to be featured in the game hinted by Reconnect.
    Post by: Umiyuri Papaeyra, Apr 11, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  16. Umiyuri Papaeyra
    Hey, everybody's basically posting near enough the same thing...

    I was trying to mull over the long 'o', short 'o' issue, having already seen the name's katakana, when suddenly Roxas and Axel come in and use a different version each. Personally I go with Axel's long 'o' version, but both are actually correct ways of saying 'Shion'.
    Post by: Umiyuri Papaeyra, Apr 11, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  17. Umiyuri Papaeyra
    Who did you feel worse for at the end, Roxas or Axel?
    Axel. Poor guy lost everything... it's pretty understandable how he got to the way he is in KHII, now.

    Did Xion bug the hell out of you (because she did me)?
    Nope. I think she's very sweet, and the way she acted was brave considering how everything fell down on top of her. What really bugs me is that Seifer's going around telling everybody we're the thieves! is how many people don't know what a deconstruction of a literary concept is, or how to recognise it.

    Are there any other worlds you wish were in KH 358/2 Days?
    Hmm... I guess that the Pinocchio world would've been pretty cool.

    Who is your least favorite Organization member (not from the C.O. crew, a lot of people hate them)?
    (;_; Poor CO crew) My least favourite member of the Organisation? (Is this an 'I hate his personality, but think he works well in the game?' or an 'I don't know what he's meant to add to the plot?' question?) Hmm... (Maybe it's the first...) I think... compared to everybody else, Xaldin sticks out at me.

    Was Xion an easy or hard boss?
    First try, beaten. Helps I was level fifty-something at the time with Second Chance, Once More, that kind of stuff on. But she certainly knows how to pack a punch.

    Did you want the game to continue after Roxas was inside the other Twilight Town?
    That part was already told, so no. There was no need for it.

    Did you want the game to start sooner in the story?
    Nope. It started at a fine enough place. Even Roxas thinks it's a good starting point when he tells you.

    Why do you think they only have one flavor of ice cream?
    Both Axel and Roxas cling to their little schedule. Maybe they also cling to all the little details. And it's pretty significant in any case. They bonded with it... And Roxas doesn't seem to be very outgoing at all, either.

    Why did Hayner, Pence, and Olette have bigger parts than King Mickey?
    The majority of Roxas' days in Twilight Town. Can you imagine playing the whole game and not seeing them? I'm fine if we didn't see all that much of Mickey, since he was meant to be in hiding at this point anyway.

    Also: Post what really pissed you off about the game (you know, besides anything I mentioned)?
    (Pissed off is a strong term!) Hmmmm... darn it, Living Pods, stop molesting me~ Also I'm pretty content with the bestiary, but some character profiles would've been pretty awesome. And they could've worked it into plot as Roxas keeping track of people he watched and found out about. He wouldn't know anything about them, but he'd still do it.
    Post by: Umiyuri Papaeyra, Apr 10, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  18. Umiyuri Papaeyra
    I think he's crossed a line, yes.

    You do NOT turn away patients. You do NOT discriminate because of political opinion. You do NOT force your political opinion on others.

    I'm sorry, but any positive opinion I might have had of this man has now dropped to zero.
    Post by: Umiyuri Papaeyra, Apr 9, 2010 in forum: Current Events
  19. Umiyuri Papaeyra
    Friggin' hell, Antlion and Infernal Engine. Friggin'. Hell.

    Not Leechgrave, though. :)
    Post by: Umiyuri Papaeyra, Apr 8, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  20. Umiyuri Papaeyra
    Pepé, my dears. Pepé.

    ...Okay, Sylvester and Tweety make me smile as well.
    Post by: Umiyuri Papaeyra, Apr 8, 2010 in forum: Movies & Media