Who's with me? This piece of animu has been with me for as long as I can remember. I could always count on it being there. Besides DBZ, Pokemon, and mandatory kid stuff, this was the show that got me into anime. This was the show that cemented my love for anime and my overall geekdom. Ever since I was ten years old, I've sat and watched this show. Every weekend. Even if I just left it on for background noise, I've always had it on and it's always left me going to bed (or waking up in some instances) happy. This show did more for me though than got me into the animation provided by glorious nippon, it's helped me to be a critical thinker. It's helped me get through times in my life that were utterly despairing by just giving me that bit of joy from my childhood. It's been there for me like a best friend, and I will sincerely miss it. Bang.
First, I'd like to set the ground rule that this is an open discussion and would highly appreciate it if you did not lock this after reading it and rejecting it like a few other things. I want the communication line to be open. On that note, I am requesting that this stay open until either out of hand or requested. Now then: ^This ^And this. ^And this. These are exact words taken from three very prominent and regular users. All quotes have not been edited. Basically, invisible is doing two things that are just all kinds of wrong. 1. It's making staff unapproachable. If a staff member is hiding, and something urgent is going on, who am I supposed to contact? Just PM a random one and hope they get on first? No, of course not. That's absolutely stupid. It's all ineffective and makes it so one online staff could be completely unaware of a problem. That's not what staff is supposed to do. They're supposed to have a presence on the site, and a very approachable one at that. Invisible status is just counter-productive to that objective. 2. I'm sorry, I didn't know staff was meant to be a secret police. No really, why the hiding? Are you trying to create a 'we are always watching' kind of atmosphere? This is a Kingdom Hearts website. I feel disgusted that I even had to say that. So, to remedy this, I believe all staff, even you Blues, should be on a visible status. What's the point of those big, bold, and colorful names, after all, if I can't see one?
>VLC sucks This is a fact. So let's avoid that option. I need a media-player capable of the following: >Changing language settings and subtitle settings integrated into the file >Capable of playing very high resolution videos (we're talking 10gb-20gb movie files here) without issue >Has an audio booster >Able to be screen-shared across programs like Skype and Google+ Hangouts Got any recs, /khv/?
Am I a little late to the party?
Dearest Amaury, Only recently, have I gotten to truly see you. You VM'd me, and it was magical. I had never been so invoked by a Digimon avatar before in all of my days. I felt so overwhelmed to respond to you. Almost as if I had no choice in the matter what so ever. Receiving your MSN request just warmed my very soul and loins. I stare deeply into every post you make, like it's Shakespeare reincarnated into a Kingdom Hearts fan. I've seen how other users treat you though, and it worries me that they just don't know what awesome is. They treat you like a Makaze, and that just drives me crazy with raw, untainted anger. I've even needed to start anger management therapy to make sure I don't do horrible things to those certain people (Vivi's Dark Side, I'm looking at you. You b*tch). Then I realized you lived on the west coast, and started searching. I have not given up this search. I want to see you and get a wiff of you. Even if it's your ankles, your wrist, whatever. It'd be wondrous. Sending me utter senses of joy quicker than a vulture races to a corpse.. I want to find you and just watch Digimon with you by a warm, cozy fire. Away from all other human beings. Whenever you talk to staff, you just look so very herculean. Like, it's where you truly belong in life. Side by side and in command of the entire forum. I want you to digivolve into staff like a baby wants its mother's milk. And yet, I see others spread such slanderous and filthy lies. Saying that you have a crush on our head resident blue, Misty. How could people say such horrible things? She could never serve as queen to the empire you will day be in charge of. She could never be one at your side. She does not know you. Especially not like I do. She will only hold you back. Unlike me. If you ever stopped posting here, the forum would fall into ruin. And before I had to take my own life due to such a stressful event worthy of a thousand burning panic attacks, I would raise a flag of battle in your honor, to spread your ways to the rest of the forum. You may hate me for this, but what's a few raindrops between friends, right? Love, Shadowjak PS: F*ck you GS.
Naked dance party?
Tonight, I was dared by Saxima to make a Sailor Shinshi on a site known as Doll Divine ...When I heard the site name, I thought it was a sex doll site.
Don't you love it when you find a new radio station at work and end up downloading a butt-load of new bands? http://www.youngbloodhawke.com/ Thank you Alt Nation <3
But the nearest convenience store is a 15 minute drive away.... and then I have to actually go in the store... andishouldprobablyputonpantsfirst The topic: Ever been hungry incredibly late at night that you go down to the nearest convenience store and just load up on food like it's meant to last a month and you have no intention of letting it last the ride home? ..No?
http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/118807-Final-Fantasy-III-Joins-Ouya-Launch-Title-Lineup So, Final Fantasy III is coming to a console after all.... In HD... Hm.... How long till it gets ported everywhere else is my question. EDIT: Also, this is funny:
It'son.It'son.It'son.It'son.It'son.It'son.It'son.It'son.It'son.It'son. Who's watching?
http://www.screwattack.com/shows/originals/death-battle/death-battle-link-vs-cloud Well I'm happy with the outcome. Who were you rooting for? What did you think of the video?
Definitely reeeaaaallly old, but it caught me off guard. Soooo waaaiiit.... FF is a sequel to Zelda? And Link died? No one show Kitty!
Sooooo..... A lot of sh*t we've already seen, SE trying to save FFXIV, two games that are already out, and Eidos?
http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/jimquisition/6098-I-Hate-Videogames-Because-I-Love-Them This video needs more attention. Watch it and let's discuss it because I fully agree with everything he said. Even the penis thing.
I've never seen Digimon outside of a few episodes and the horrendous movie. ...Should I watch or just stay only semi-aware of its existence?
This is from a discussion about the Shenmue Saturn Beta footage. This image was linked to this post: Spoiler As this is from /v/, I cannot relink to the original thread. I can tell you, he's absolutely right. The interesting part of this is, if developers could have taken advantage of the technology, THE SATURN COULD'VE BLOWN THE PLAYSTATION AWAY
SEGATA SANSHIRO!!! Best twelve minutes of your life. Those who watch shan't ever regret. [video=youtube;o3lCF8O2N50]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o3lCF8O2N50[/video] For those who know of this, you've already been blessed. THEIR BATTERED BODIES WILL NEVER FORGET! EDIT: Really KHV? Can't do 12 minutes? Childrens...
I've, once again, been unbanned. CELEBRATION IS CALLED FOR! [video=youtube;NlQONGWq9KQ]http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&v=NlQONGWq9KQ&feature=endscreen[/video]
[video=youtube;Syuy3pszAHw]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Syuy3pszAHw[/video] I think I do....