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  1. DigitalAtlas

    How the **** do you pronounce this chicka's name? :|
    Thread by: DigitalAtlas, Jan 9, 2013, 22 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. DigitalAtlas
    It was horrible. Few really good scenes, but otherwise just terrible. Anne Hathaway's rendition of "I Dreamed A Dreamed" made me wonder why they needed to have five minutes of nothing but staring at the camera and singing.

    Anyone else concur?
    Thread by: DigitalAtlas, Jan 2, 2013, 15 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. DigitalAtlas
    Sorry KHV, I know I've been gone awhile. I had only left to go see The Hobbit, didn't know the movie was months long.

    Sup? What I miss?

    I got Halo 4 and it decided to take over my life.
    I got cheated on by some chick. Got her back. Told her I cheated on her an hour after to mess with her and left her.
    I got promoted at my job to a full time position and have been personally congratulated by the Vice President of the region.
    I survived the apocalypse and a hurricance.
    I got a WiiU
    I started buying things to do MONSTERVINE VIDEOSSSS
    I started writing reviews again.
    I got a new girlfriend.
    I got addicted to Game Grumps

    Surprisingly, my life has been pretty kickin' and busy. Now that all of you who keep messaging me where I've been know where I've ACTUALLY been, please stop asking like the good friends you are.
    Thread by: DigitalAtlas, Dec 22, 2012, 18 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. DigitalAtlas


    Once again, I returned from a magical disappearance.

    For those curious, I was kidnapped by two evil warlocks named Work and Life. Work and Life ganged up on good ol' SJ and took away the one thing life hadn't taken from him yet, his free time. It was sad. But eventually, a warrior known as Insomnia freed me and I'm back to visit for now.

    Now, let's just keep this place active so that those two evil doers don't return.

    Thread by: DigitalAtlas, Nov 9, 2012, 19 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. DigitalAtlas

    Rather a whole thread's worth. Enjoy.

    Note: Nothing in that thread was made by me, just found.
    Thread by: DigitalAtlas, Oct 17, 2012, 0 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  6. DigitalAtlas
    The other day, I referenced TATE and Shmups. Then it was revealed to me nobody had a clue what I was talking about, AT ALL.

    So, here's an informative video on the subject:

    TATE REALLY does improve the shmup experience. Everything feels less cramped and just more enjoyable. If you have a desktop computer or a flippable TV, I highly recommend trying it out.
    Thread by: DigitalAtlas, Sep 23, 2012, 0 replies, in forum: Gaming
  7. DigitalAtlas
    These are two games that America probably will not be seeing.... ever. I say I educate you guys a little on them.

    Game #1: Rodea the Sky Soldier

    THIS. EXISTS. IN FULLY PLAYABLE FORM. But we'll probably never see it because, like Pandora's Tower and FF: Type-0, it's just too late.

    The game is from Yuji Naka (creator of Sonic the Hedgehog) and his studio Prope, who is famous for giving us... almost nothing. Seriously, their track record includes six iOS games ranging from okay to awful, Ivy the Kiwi for Wii and DS, and that's about it.... Oh, and they're making the PSP Digimon Adventure... With that in mind, they pulled this game out of their budget and we'll probably never ever see it.


    Game #2: E.X Troopers

    This game was a Lost Planet spin-off title coming out for PS3 and 3DS. It was a very stylish and hectic looking shooter seeking to emulate the Persona 3 aesthetic while improving the established mechanics of Lost Planet. Heck, they even threw in side quests and RPG elements. ANNNND co-op.

    So what's the status?

    So, do you ever wonder why JP games have "started sucking," "changed" or "lost their soul"? Well, if you have, it's because Japan assumes we hate creativity and fun and color.

    Congratulations, we suck.
    Thread by: DigitalAtlas, Sep 22, 2012, 8 replies, in forum: Gaming
  8. DigitalAtlas

    Anyone else have a website or, heck, even a piece of media that is just their weakness? Has anyone else shared my pain?

    Also, for those unaware of cracked. Here's three article links along with snippets from them and an adorable image:

    My favorite:

    And the adorable image they posted in the first article:

    Thread by: DigitalAtlas, Sep 8, 2012, 19 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. DigitalAtlas

    ‘Cause I’m on top of the world, ‘ay!
    I’m on top of the world, ‘ay!
    Waiting on this for a while now!
    Paying my dues to the dirt!
    Thread by: DigitalAtlas, Sep 7, 2012, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. DigitalAtlas
    I really shouldn't be trying to make my job as a salesman challenging by staying up twenty-four hours prior to a shift.

    What are your "I really shouldn't, but I'm going to anyway"s?
    Thread by: DigitalAtlas, Sep 6, 2012, 11 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. DigitalAtlas
    This size 192x192 avatar has made me happier than any human being in recent days...

    ...And I have to accept that, one day, staff will enforce avatar size limits and it will be gone.

    Thread by: DigitalAtlas, Sep 6, 2012, 12 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. DigitalAtlas
    Let's face it, a lot of people on KHV are audiophiles and hipsters. It's a fact. So, let's share our findings and spread good music across the earth like a fire spreads across gasoline. Yeah!

    Obviously, we need to make these posts matter and differentiate it from the "What Song Are You Listening To?" thread. So here are some rules:

    -Your post must contain the name of the album and the artist that made it, preferably the year it released as well
    -A link to a sample song from said album (youtube, soundcloud, the band's site, whatevs. It must be easy to access)
    -A brief description while you like the album
    -Make sure the album you're posting has not already been posted. If it has, simply like the post and/or quote it to add more to the description.
    (Suggestion, but not required: Keep it to albums you've recently found. I don't want a whole lot of Queen, ya know?)



    Album: Night Visions
    Artist: Imagine Dragons
    Year of release: 2012
    Why I like it: I don't know if anyone here has heard Imagine Dragons before, but I've only recently gotten to know them through their many EPs. When this album leaked, I was hooked. The diversity, emotion, and power behind each and every one of the songs just made me fall in love. It starts off with a dubstep-esque song and transitions perfectly. If you like cheery and diverse alt-rock, then I HIGHLY recommend this album. It may be my favorite album of the year.
    Sample song:

    Note: To post video links, you don't need a special HTML code with XenoForo. Just paste the link.

    Now, let's share some music!

    EDIT: Thread liked by Jayn, and Forsaken approves. Let's not ruin this opportunity guys and share our passions to people we spend every day with.
    Thread by: DigitalAtlas, Sep 6, 2012, 6 replies, in forum: Music
  13. DigitalAtlas

    Thread by: DigitalAtlas, Sep 5, 2012, 43 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. DigitalAtlas

    While I don't pirate PSP, PS3, or PSV games and truthfully don't intend to, I can't help agreeing with this rant.

    Piracy isn't a problem with people, it's a problem with companies. People are willing to spend more for great service. People are willing to spend when they feel they're being treated like human beings and not thieves despite the fact they just made a purchase. It's sad that Valve gets it, and Sony doesn't.
    Thread by: DigitalAtlas, Sep 3, 2012, 0 replies, in forum: Gaming
  15. DigitalAtlas
    (fyi, me=James Cobb. I know, just lost the Death Note game)

    What? He could be joking? We thought of that too!

    Thread by: DigitalAtlas, Aug 27, 2012, 107 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. DigitalAtlas
    Or for anyone else who likes Figs and TTGL:


    Order here:
    Thread by: DigitalAtlas, Aug 21, 2012, 30 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. DigitalAtlas
    I want everyone who's ever thought to themselves "I want to live in Japan!!! :3," that this video exists. In fact, not only does it exist, but someone was probably paid to make this parody.

    This is seriously the best youtuber ever.
    Thread by: DigitalAtlas, Aug 19, 2012, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. DigitalAtlas
    Thread by: DigitalAtlas, Aug 19, 2012, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. DigitalAtlas
    >Woke up
    >Been spending last hour under covers on KHFBV
    >Way too lazy to get up.
    >Dora the Explorer comes on my TV get up, put on pants, and turn off the tv.

    What should I make for breakfest?
    Thread by: DigitalAtlas, Aug 17, 2012, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. DigitalAtlas
    If someone likes my post, how do I like their like to let them know I liked that they liked what I said about likes?
    Thread by: DigitalAtlas, Aug 17, 2012, 40 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone