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  1. DigitalAtlas
    So you were bored one night in the spamzone and decided to make a thread, huh? Great. Thanks for contributing to the cesspool, except your thread must have sucked.

    Your thread was seen as so bad to the rest of the 'zoners, that one member decided to post an image or ridiculous topic and now the other hooligans are paying attention to the topic brought up within your topic. Sucks boy, but your thread was just hijacked.

    Hijacks are the only way us hooligans can ensure post quality in such an aimless place. It stinks, but it means that you can be ever vigilant of other bad threads and take them over with something like a picture of a duck or a philosophical discussion about college life. Just keep those spider-man images on hand and you can lead the charge on your own hijack one day.
    Thread by: DigitalAtlas, Aug 6, 2013, 0 replies, in forum: Social Groups
  2. DigitalAtlas
    Aka: shadowjak, SJ, Jay, Jak, James, and THE KING OF HEARTS

    Man, what an interesting guy we have here! Universally recognized as the forum's heart and soul, SJ is easily the most popular member on the site and isn't at all pompous or full of himself.

    In all seriousness, this user was one of the first members of KHV just by chance. After going through all the forum jumps, fighting crime, rebelling against the Rainbow Brigade, and even making it all the way to purple, this user was rage-banned when he dumped the former admin and threw a ****-fit to tell the forum they were finished. Epic, right?

    Many years later, he has swayed the staff to give his soul another chance. Now he exists to take revenge on the rainbows that sent him into exile. Even though his enemies view him as a crazy old man starting trouble for the kids, he's better than ever with now that he has finally watched G Gundam and Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann and taking up the title of King of Hearts? What does that even mean? We don't quite know, but on a forum about a game where there exists an entire kingdom of hearts, it's probably pretty important.

    Recently, he was subject to an attack by the King of the Spamzone with his former partner in crime, the forum's God, and has been left crippled. Until his heart is repaired, he sits around- planning to win the war that is between him and his revenge.
    Thread by: DigitalAtlas, Aug 6, 2013, 0 replies, in forum: Social Groups
  3. DigitalAtlas
    So this is how you make a name for yourself? You come into the zone, after doing nothing here but posting theories on how Xemnas is probably Deadpool, read this nice guide and even then you just couldn't take the heat. You met with a 'zoner face to face and he trolled you. You played his game and lost, and now you're having a sh*t fit. Man, that's a shame

    For when you click that button and submit that report, it means that every one has to be on their best behavior for now the staff will flood the threads and watch us like hawks. Thanks. Thanks for that.[DOUBLEPOST=1375601793][/DOUBLEPOST]Would like opinions for edits here. I think this is close to an official submission.
    Thread by: DigitalAtlas, Aug 3, 2013, 0 replies, in forum: Social Groups
  4. DigitalAtlas
    List formats for the post here.
    Thread by: DigitalAtlas, Aug 3, 2013, 0 replies, in forum: Social Groups
  5. DigitalAtlas

    Name ideas.

    I got this so far

    Survival Guide: The Spamzone
    Term Guide: Understanding the Spamzone
    Thread by: DigitalAtlas, Aug 3, 2013, 0 replies, in forum: Social Groups
  6. DigitalAtlas

    Current terms

    [3:15:40 AM] James Cobb: so far for terms we have
    James Cobb:
    Moogle Assistant
    CtR (jokingly saying her username was Crash Team Racing)
    Porn Section
    Premium Section
    Premium Benefits (nothing)
    Rainbows/Rainbow Brigade
    Banned (insert joke about see Makaze)
    King of the Forum/Tyrant
    King of Hearts
    Permaban (something you escape when you leave for two years)
    Report button (Tattletails?)
    Thread by: DigitalAtlas, Aug 3, 2013, 8 replies, in forum: Social Groups
  7. DigitalAtlas
    Here's a gift, /khv/
    Oh, and I'm taking the avatar so Cam can't.
    Thread by: DigitalAtlas, Jul 30, 2013, 52 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. DigitalAtlas
    I know today is a big day with the launch of the user council, and I know a lot you don't really leave here...

    But you could you do me a favor and give this thread a post?:
    That'd be a greaaaaaat.
    Thread by: DigitalAtlas, Jul 29, 2013, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. DigitalAtlas
    Around this time last year, our little forum community made the switch from the vBulletin forum client to XenForo. Boy, that was a Summer. A lot of things happened, a lot of things were said by all of us that maybe should have been thought through a little more. Honestly, it was stressful, but it was worth it. We got quite the upgrade over here and JUST LOOK AT THOSE BIG OL' AVATARS. Alas though, one thing that was very important to the culture of this forum was lost- reputation.

    For those of you who weren't here at all during the vBulletin times (yes, that's possible! KHIII WAAAAAAAS just announced; I'm sure someone Google'd 'kh3 vidz'), reputation is a system somewhat similar to our current "likes" system. When browsing the forum and you, the user, saw a good post, you could award what was coined as "rep" to the user and leave a comment explaining why you did that. To put it simply, it was a way to compliment a good post and award the user for putting in that effort. The more "rep" a user accumulated, the more "rep gems" that user would get to have under their username. This gave a sense of accomplishment and riches around the forums, and let new users know who was well-received around the rest of the forum.

    Unfortunately, as stated earlier, we had to lose this in the move to XenForo. Now you may ask yourself if this isn't old news to you, why didn't our staff work some magical coding in the system to make it appear? Well, it doesn't work that way. XenForo was designed around the "likes" system you see all over this place. At the time of the switch, it was asked of the staff if we could get rep back. According to our staff, that was impossible without an add-on that cost money.

    Now, around a year later, this is no longer case. And I am quite thankful of this.

    A couple of days ago, I was shown an add-on that will allow a vBulletin 4.0 rep system to be implemented into XenForo KHV. It's even easy for staff to install.

    Here's how it'd work for us:


    As you can see on the left, there is a measurement of reputation in the form of a number rather than gems. This makes it easy for likes to convert to rep and carry over.

    Once you scroll to the bottom of the post, you will be able to award (or take away) rep to the user. Upon clicking, you will be met with a popup like the one in the image below.


    There's a nice twist... Not only can you leave a comment, unlike a "like," but you can decide how many rep points you want to give to a user. That's right- you decide what you feel that post is worth in quality.

    From my understanding, it would work like a rep wallet. Each user has only so much rep they can give within a certain time period, thus, they are required to space it out. As they rep others, post, and gain rep themselves, they gain more rep in the wallet. And as a user gets rep, they're allowed to award more rep.


    Bonus features would include:



    This also seems to allow for moderation. Meaning. even negative rep can be controlled and kept from being a personal attack. A user would need a good reason to give negative rep to another.

    And it can be assumed it even works with our version of XenForo, as this add-on from March 2013 requires the add-on we're proposing today.

    Now we have the big questions:

    Why would we want this?

    What's wrong with "likes"?

    I'm sure many members here could tell you many things that are wrong with likes, but honestly... there isn't much inherently wrong with the system. It works. But the thing with a reputation system is that we're gaining so much more value on this forum and reintroducing one of our community's staples.

    Let's make an analogy. I'm hungry and want to consume some sort of food material. My goal is to become full, or no longer hungry. The choices being to grab a bag of potato chips from the cabinet, or to make a meal. Since I was specific with the snack food, let's say that meal is a nice juicy, tender, medium well steak with a side of mashed potatoes and gravy. To accomplish my goal with the potato chips is easier, as I just have to grab them and eat, but would take much more potato chips. It would require scarfing one after another constantly with a just one more mentality to eventually become full. Meanwhile, making that steak and mashing those potatoes takes effort. Yet, it's not as long of a meal, and it's just as filling as well as rewarding because of that effort put into the preparation. Plus, it's tastier.

    In that analogy, the potato chips were "likes." The steak would be the proposed reputation system. The goal of getting full would be obtaining a feeling of post and user value. With likes, it certainly takes a lot of them to feel anything and it's never been much. Be honest, have you ever been "OMG I GOT A LOT OF LIKES ON THAT POST!"? Meanwhile, there's the rep where just one good, and respectful one can lead to feelings of value, fulfillment, and maybe even lead to friendship.

    It's in your hands now KHV, so let me just bluntly ask- Would you be in favor of the return of the rep system?
    Thread by: DigitalAtlas, Jul 29, 2013, 160 replies, in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  10. DigitalAtlas



    If you're unaware of who Platinum Games are... WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU? Nah, they made the late Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, Anarchy Reigns, Vanquish, Bayonetta, and Madworld. The company was formed by the creators and producers of Devil May Cry, Okami and Viewtiful Joe.

    Read the comic in Japanese here
    Thread by: DigitalAtlas, Jul 25, 2013, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. DigitalAtlas
    I found the best .gif in the world earlier.


    Challenge mode: Find where it loops.
    Thread by: DigitalAtlas, Jul 24, 2013, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. DigitalAtlas
    Long ago, there was a star. However, this wasn't just any star. For this star was Pop Star. This star, keeping just out of site from Earth's populace, was habitable. The citizens of this star were the most adorable creatures your brain could ever imagine! But even with such cuteness at their side, there still resided evil. An evil king specifically- constantly trying to unleash creatures that would devour worlds or even control the dreams of the people. But just like any civilization, there was a hero. A hero willing to stand up for the people and fight away injustice using only the talents given to him.!


    This was Kirby... the hero of Pop Star. He's sleeping in this image, he did that a lot in his spare time. But he also ate! In fact, that was his special power. He could eat almost anything never be full, including enemies! And when he does, he would gain a power based on what he ate. Coining the phrase "you are what you eat" for the rest of the universe. Kirby went on to save the people of Pop Star many times.

    But how could he eat so much and never be full? How could something so small and adorable like himself eat things like creatures twice his size, dark matter, alternate dimensions, and even deities? Well, my listeners, it's because Kirby's gifted golden gullet is actually a cursed and ever expanding black hole.

    One day, the black hole grew into an uncontrollable, all consuming force, corrupting Kirby's body and soul beyond recognition. The once cuddly hero was now the personification of destruction. As he consumed the world of Pop star citizen by citizen, he changed as he would with anything else he would have eaten before. Only, the transformations had now become full on permanent mutations of the body. Each civilian adding a new change to Kirby's physical being.

    After consuming until Pop Star was nothing but an apocalyptic wasteland, the beast once known as Kirby took to the stars. The creature drifted through space, consuming everything and anything it could find until it found our own planet. After safely crash landing during the stone age and wiping out many weaker species, Kirby decided to sleep off his travels. He slept for several millenniums, until he decided to wake up.... in 1999 A.D.



    Credit to /v/ and TV Tropes for the theory. Credit to my tiredness for the terrible writing.
    Thread by: DigitalAtlas, Jul 24, 2013, 17 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. DigitalAtlas

    Answer me KHV

    Why is it I've been gone only one whole day and there are THREE Kingdom Hearts threads in Spam?

    Jeez! Tryin' to keep that filth outta here is a full time job.
    Thread by: DigitalAtlas, Jul 23, 2013, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. DigitalAtlas

    It just so happens that IIII have business in NYC at the end of next month to scout for places to stay during NYCC and visit some people.

    Now- we see here, in this post that our blue leader, Misty, said anyone.


    Anyone includes me.


    It is in your hands, KHV. It is in your hands.
    Thread by: DigitalAtlas, Jul 23, 2013, 53 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. DigitalAtlas

    ...Now I snort cocaine alone at night.
    Thread by: DigitalAtlas, Jul 23, 2013, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. DigitalAtlas
    ...Dude you're not even black.

    Why do all you rich, college white boys think you a hardcore GANGSTA?

    You're less of a rapper than what's left of my Twix.
    Thread by: DigitalAtlas, Jul 17, 2013, 24 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. DigitalAtlas
    .... that I made this thread about it. God he's boring. Talking about children's card games.
    Thread by: DigitalAtlas, Jul 17, 2013, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. DigitalAtlas
    Anyone have any mecha recommendations? I'm pretty open about choice. I prefer dubs, but I'll take any recs.

    I've already seen a majority of of the Gundams, Gurren Lagann, Eureka Seven, and most the basics so we can skip over those.
    Thread by: DigitalAtlas, Jul 15, 2013, 11 replies, in forum: Anime and Manga
  19. DigitalAtlas

    Along with the unveiling of a new virtual console for the Wii U (thank god, now put Donkey Kong Country back on it) with Gameboy Advanced titles, Nintendo revealed that they will offer a trial campaign for the service and honor the 30th anniversary of the Famicom by releasing a title each month for thirty cents.

    Titles available for the pricing listed below:

    Now till February 21st: Balloon Fight (NES)
    February 20th to March 21st: F-Zero (SNES)
    March 20th to April 18th: Punch-Out!! Featuring Mr. Dream (NES)
    April 17th to May 16th: Kirby's Adventure (NES) (Honestly, the Dream Collection is still a better deal).
    May 15th to June 13th: Super Metroid (SNES) (THIRTY EFFING CENTS FOR SUPER METROID?!?!?!)
    June 12th to July 11th: Yoshi (NES)
    July 15th to August 13th: Donkey Kong (NES)
    Thread by: DigitalAtlas, Jan 24, 2013, 14 replies, in forum: Gaming
  20. DigitalAtlas

    #kamiyasavesgaming much?

    Seriously, this looks absolutely fantastic. I plan on buying this over Pikmin 3 and Lego City. I'm glad Nintendo went to Kamiya to create their new IP over anyone else.
    Thread by: DigitalAtlas, Jan 24, 2013, 0 replies, in forum: Gaming