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  1. DigitalAtlas
    Today I learned I'm a hammy, flirty, whimsical woman who's dating a very well-toned lumber black. Man, and it's only 3 A.M! I have a whole day left to keep learning!

    What did you all learn about yourselves recently?
    Thread by: DigitalAtlas, Sep 27, 2013, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. DigitalAtlas
    Below is an image that has been "shared" by people on my facebook newsfeed on a daily basis, each time by someone new.


    Now, if you've followed my posts (and a lot of my warnings!), you'll know that I do not like memes. I got over the fad pretty quickly and have just seen the light ever since. It's repeated and lazy humor, yadayada.

    This thread is not about memes

    This is thread is about these images in particular and what they represent. This is the line I draw when it comes to sexism. You can say Bayonetta, Wonder Pink, whoever is a character meant to represent titillation, but at least they have thoughts and identifiable character traits.

    This is depicting a person, not a character; an actual living person, as nothing but a sex object to keep around the house. These images just exist to satisfy fantasies of males with power issues. I'm not saying desperate men either. They could be the jock who hooks up with a different sorority chick on a weekly basis, this would apply to them.

    Here we have a stock image of a girl appealing a majority of people on meme sites. "Nerds." Fake nerds mind you, but we'll ignore that. To make sure she hits the whole demographic, she's wearing a t-shirt that advertises her fandom of the most popular video game character in the world. Next, we have the text. A lot of these are sexual. I'm not beating around the bush here- absolutely all of these reward the male for just doing what he does in his daily life. Fapping? Lemme finish. Playing an RPG? You need some head. Gets bored during a movie you enjoy? It's clear she should reward you with more head. You could even switch a lot of the media centric pictures and replace them with sports or working on a car and nothing would be lost. And it just gets worse! The ones that aren't sexual are things that dehumanize her further. What could just be silly banter about girlfriend tropes on the internet turns into things that only support the idea of the the girl existing to give you sexual pleasure in the man's daily life. Bathroom breaks on a long car ride? HOW ABSURD! Not wanting to bother people with your sh*t? How absurd!

    And just take a second to look at a very specific one: "You're such a nice guy... Let's f*ck!" Is that the alternative to the friendzone? Rewarding niceness with sex? You're not a gentlemen, you just want to f*ck your hot friends. You're not a nice guy. You're a guy she's avoiding because she knows.

    Guys, the rant aside- I'm serious here. I know this is the internet. I know these exist on the internet. I know the image credits /b/. This shouldn't one of the things we excuse as internet behavior. This type of thing will reach many more people than it ever would if it were in real life. I mean, look where I linked from. What even is that site? Why is it getting so much attention on facebook?

    Bottomline, no matter where it was, this is offensive. This goes farther than my cliques and communities mentioned earlier beating on some video game characters I like. This goes into reinforcing a divide between the sexes. It's not even a divide, it's still an oppression. I personally work with a pregnant woman almost every day, and the amount of times she's told that she has no business there despite her knowledge, or the amount of times people tell her to bend over, or the amount of times people just try to stare at her ass is down right appalling. This sh*t happens outside of our comfortable little website. Even from another perspective, this gives women ample reason to hate men. "Why should I be looked upon as a sex object?" should be their first thought, and it should stay heated in the front of their head for awhile. You're a man, and you're not offended? You should be, this gives women a reason to hate you on a deep, personal level without even getting to know you. This gives women a reason to even be afraid of you. This doesn't just rustle my jimmies, this should piss off a lot more people than it is. If you see it anywhere, stand up to it and point out why it's wrong. This is a problem.

    TL;DR- This set of images is offensive, if you see someone posting it and thinking it's funny- call them on it. You're not being a good friend by letting this keep growing. Believe me, it's on enough social networking sites for you to see it.
    Thread by: DigitalAtlas, Sep 25, 2013, 27 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. DigitalAtlas
    .... I'm pretty JealOus honestly =\ SO I MADE THIS THREAD to asK how to post vidEos in a signaTure. I mean, where do you guys even find those clips of the show?

    EDIT: Srsli, even tHe WoRld of Warcraft ad abovE this threaD has more animation than my posts! Not cool!
    Thread by: DigitalAtlas, Sep 16, 2013, 14 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. DigitalAtlas

    So, I was on Indiegogo thanks to Gunlord, and I ended up clicking the home redirect on the top of the page because I was in internet zombie mode. When I scrolled to the bottom, I saw a funded project called... well, you read the title.

    Before I make jokes, this is crowdfunding campaign for an alpaca obsessed girl who was born trapped in a man's body and wants to be who she feels she is. The project asked for $8,000 and has made $8,900+ (more than Gunlord!). Transgendered people are a very real and serious matter and I'm happy to see that someone who isn't from riches is going to be able to make the desired switch and feel more comfortable on a day to day basis. To simplify: THIS IS NOT A PLACE TO MAKE FUN OF TRANSGENDERED PEOPLES. WE ARE NOT BIGOTS.


    This is the most hilarious crowdfunding campaign I've ever took the time to read. Here, let's look at one of the perks



    Thread by: DigitalAtlas, Sep 16, 2013, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. DigitalAtlas




    Just comes in, whips every one's ass, and goes into a monologue about how he's up first. This guy has swagger.





    Thread by: DigitalAtlas, Sep 15, 2013, 21 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. DigitalAtlas

    Just wanted to say that our lord and master, Ars Nova, is streaming Metal Gear Rising: REVENGEANCE right about now.


    This is one of my all time favorite games, so I hope ya'll tune in and have a good time in the chat.

    Thread by: DigitalAtlas, Sep 13, 2013, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. DigitalAtlas

    I have absolutely NO IDEA what's going on with Kickstarter lately. The tool went from being used for crap projects with some very hidden diamonds to three-four god tier projects in dire need of funding. Strange that I'm normally Kickstarter's biggest hater, and now I'm making threads on projects because there are interesting uses going on.

    Here's the project summary:

    To expand here, River City Ransom was not your standard beat 'em up. It was the first of its kind due to its heavy reliance on RPG mechanics.

    Follow up quote:

    This is an actual sequel to the old River City Ransom.

    Why this is an interesting use of Kickstarter
    This is interesting because these developers are very cautious towards this project and taking babysteps. There have been no stretch goals announced, merely that they're toying with the idea of console ports. Also, they're keeping the funding goal to be relatively cheap: $180,000 (Canadian). This isn't much compared to other projects and shows they have everything figured out while already having a good amount of work done.

    I'm excited, I donated, which is basically pre-ordering at this point, I hope this catches your eye too.


    Source: Kickstarter
    Thread by: DigitalAtlas, Sep 11, 2013, 0 replies, in forum: Gaming
  8. DigitalAtlas

    Basically, Shantae was WayForward's very first original IP. They've only made one other game besides the original and are using Kickstarter to keep something near and dear them going.

    These are the guys who made Double Dragon Neon, DuckTales: Remastered, Mighty Switch Force, and A Boy and His Blob.

    The video in the source link below contains a gameplay video!


    Personally, I'm excited. WayForward has yet to let me down with a product. They make some great stuff using mindsets not unlike that of NES devs. They understand making the game part of games, and they make them fun. With Mighty Number 9 (click the jump in my sig!), this is a VERY ill-timed Kickstarter, but since the funding goals are so low, I think we'll at least see funding.

    This game is another example of a Kickstarter done right. Unfortunately, WayForward isn't that known. But they've presented that they did licensed work and, thus, already have the needed dev kits for consoles while using their own money to do A LOT of work. Thus, the funding is kept low. Great to see, really.

    Thread by: DigitalAtlas, Sep 6, 2013, 0 replies, in forum: Gaming
  9. DigitalAtlas

    >Feels sticky (YEAH THIS IS A GREAT START)
    >Buttons won't raise up fast enough
    >Analog stick might have a block- character changes speeds while moving forward from full run to I DON'T WANNA WAKE UP MOM speeds


    >have no rubbing alcohol

    Thread by: DigitalAtlas, Sep 2, 2013, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. DigitalAtlas

    Hey! Misty!


    Why you in my youtube recs, yo?

    Seriously, who wants to play "one of these things is not like the other"?
    Thread by: DigitalAtlas, Aug 29, 2013, 12 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. DigitalAtlas
    Now here's the good piece of news!

    >$299 price tag
    >Wind Waker HD bundled
    >Zelda Gamepad


    Now this was Ninty's good decision of the day... if only, ya know, early adopters LIKE ME could get that pad.
    Thread by: DigitalAtlas, Aug 28, 2013, 2 replies, in forum: Gaming
  12. DigitalAtlas
    Thread by: DigitalAtlas, Aug 28, 2013, 34 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. DigitalAtlas

    Thread by: DigitalAtlas, Aug 25, 2013, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. DigitalAtlas
    Your name reminds me of this once awesome user.

    Thought I should let you know.
    Thread by: DigitalAtlas, Aug 21, 2013, 14 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. DigitalAtlas

    You're fine the way you are.
    Thread by: DigitalAtlas, Aug 20, 2013, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. DigitalAtlas



    Because it'll make you hungry

    Thread by: DigitalAtlas, Aug 20, 2013, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. DigitalAtlas

    Have sure come a long way.

    ...Still I kinda wouldn't mind playing this for novelty.
    Thread by: DigitalAtlas, Aug 18, 2013, 33 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. DigitalAtlas


    You find the nipples on Ars Nova's avatar slightly disturbing.

    Not because they're nipples, screw that, but because they're JUST NOT AT ALL NATURAL. ONE IS SERIOUSLY CROOKED AND BIGGER THAN THE OTHER
    Thread by: DigitalAtlas, Aug 17, 2013, 35 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. DigitalAtlas
    This thread isn't going to be as interesting as you think. Just looking for a good graphic artist to ask the opinion of to PM me.


    Here's Luigi being a dunce:

    Thread by: DigitalAtlas, Aug 10, 2013, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. DigitalAtlas
    Took me two hours to make it with just two frying pans, a stove that takes 20 minutes per pancake, and no coffee maker... but I did it.


    Those pancakes? They're legitimate bacon pancakes.

    They taste like this:

    Thread by: DigitalAtlas, Aug 7, 2013, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone