IT'S BEEN QUITE SOME TIME SINCE I'VE BEEN IN TROUBLE FOR ANYTHING In fact, probably to the point that if I got in trouble noooow, I'd just get lectured for doing bad and be on my merry way! So in the spirit of Christmas, I think it's only fair to give my scandals to the people. That's right, I'm giving you the chance to get me in trouble and cause a little ruckus 'round these parts. What would all of you beautiful people like to see me do to get in trouble? Nothing bannable please.
ATTENTION KHV DO NOT BUY THIS PRODUCT: Spoiler REASON #1- THEY'RE DELICIOUS. SHUT UP. THAT'S NOT A POINT AGAINST THEM. I KNOW REASON #2 - MY FINGERS ARE ORANGE Okay, really. It's not just they're covered in dust, and it's not just my nails. Both of those did happen. But now my fingers are seriously orange and I couldn't even wash it out. I had to devote a twenty minute shower to make sure I was looking like anything that wasn't the "turning into an oompa loompa" look.
Today, Iwata announced on Nintendo Direct that the Zelda series would be having a crossover with Namco's Dynasty Warriors series. Not much info is known at this time other than the name is tentative, it's for Wii U, Tecmo-Koei's DW team is developing it, and there's a video showing off the gameplay. I included it below. So lemme just start by saying... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA :'D IT LOOKS SO COOL Hyrule Warriors will be coming to you DIRECTLY in 2014.
YO FOOS STAR BOMB DROPPED TODAY! WHAT? YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT STAR BOMB IS? Why, it's the collab between Egoraptor and NinjaSexParty, of course! And it's actually pretty funny with some really nice beat droppin'. Anyone else listen to it yet? Any thoughts?
So today a good friend of mine asked me to help them get better at cooking. Plot twist: I can't cook that well, or at least, not in a way that isn't limited as fuck. I make food taste good. Anyway, so I'm no good here. Then I remember that the internet has a community for EVERYTHING. Seriously. Everything. With video game forums being the reason I can spell, don't have shit-tier taste, and KHV being the reason I can edit videos remotely well, I suggested they join a cooking forum. Of course, this meant I had to find one. I found an active one with lots of users. Good job Ja- Oh, wait, you want to show me images they post? Spoiler To go along side their gourmet recipes? Spoiler PERF. So now my life is just constant food porn. Makes my ramen feel inadequate. EDIT: Spoiler: WHAT HAVE I DONE Spoiler: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Spoiler: I give up... I NOW HAVE A FULL TIME SUBSCRIPTION TO FOOD PORN
I've always been attracted to comic books. They're just usually wacky, contain great art, and are a pleasure to read while waiting for video to reconcile with some nice tea and some good music blaring. More than ever before, I've recently been trying to get into them even more. So, here I am asking for recommendations. I really don't want to get into super hero comics, at least from the big two because that requires a lot of money, time, patience, and hating of my life. I'm more into stand alone comics, and mini series anyways. Comics I already have/am already into: Some from the Mega Man Archie comics series Some from the Sonic the Hedgehog Archie Comics series A few from the Scud the Disposable Assassin series Most of the Mass Effect comics Every Halo graphic novel ever. A few of the original TMNT comics Watchmen V for Vendetta The Sandman Hellboy Concrete Scott Pilgrim series Deus Ex: Icarus Effect Batman: The Killing Joke That's literally EVERY comic I own. Every single one. PLEASE, NO MANGA
Today I let out a maniacal laugh when battling someone in Pokemon Y because I had counter ready to go and they had all physical attacks. OHKOs make me happy. Anyone else? What'd you all do today?
Ever since I heard this song in a South Park episode a couple months ago, I've listened to this song like 9000 times. I don't know why, I don't even like it that much and feel dirty, but I'm compelled to double click it more than I can understand! Spoiler: The unveiling... I feel better.
Spoiler Post office has been so kind to me lately... Srsli doe, dis game is pretttty dope. I have to admit it was pretty cool getting all the items at once because I spent ten minutes selling bees. THANKS VIDEO GAME!
In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I will tell you all a story about something I'm thankful for on this big blue sphere. Twas the night before turkey day... okay ditching this format. So last night I stayed late at work until we were a good chunk of the way into the evening. When I finally left, I was exhausted and ready to go to sleep for twelve hours, but I decided to stop and get gas first. Big mistake. While pumping my gas, I decided to go back to my car and turn the power on because warmth. And on my way back around the car to check the pump... some forty-five year old, grizzled, and fat redneck came up to me and threw his hands around my neck. Apparently, this was his way of making sure I paid attention as he threatened me. Note: I have never met or seen this man before in my life and he was expressing his anger over something that was IMPOSSIBLE for me to have done to him due to being at work. Cool, so back to being strangled for no reason. Despite having a lit cigarette in my hand and the ability to burn his eye out and book it to my car, I managed to stay calm and scan my surroundings. Locking eyes with someone at another pump, I got their attention. While the man was finishing his business with my neck, the man at the other pump wrote down the guy's car's make, model, and license plate number. After the man caught wind that I didn't give a shit, he angrily waddled back to his car and stormed off. At that moment, the witness and I exchanged information and he called 911 while I went in the gas station and got them to pull up camera footage of the whole thing. So in short... PEOPLE ARE EFFING CRAZY DURING THE HOLIDAYS. And yet, even in a gas station in a city full of welfare frauds and criminals, you're surrounded with people with good intentions and sense of virtue. That's what I'm thankful for- that people like that still exist. ..That and I guess I should be thankful I"m okay. Eh. Other message was better.
Spoiler Am I safely late to the party?
Today, I was studying casting studios because NoA makes horrible decisions and I want to see what happened with Other M. Along the way, I found this studio. Ladies and gents, take a moment to scroll through and just see how these guys basically contributed unknowingly to all that I love and adore. Givin' them some credit. Thanks for the way Joe yells RED HOT KICK and all of MGS4's voice work.
Fifteen minutes of glory. What're your thoughts on this new track?
I don't know what his avatar is exactly, but apparently it's similar to food porn and tea sets. And when you click...
So I was watching this very "meh" video series on Zelda when I heard a very relaxing song play during the fourth part. After doing some research, trying to comment on a disable video, and trying to use song identifiers..... I got nothing :| Now I call upon the ever expanding wisdom of my fellow residents of the internet here at KHV... What is the song that backs this video about thirty five seconds in?
DISCLAIMER: I HAVE NOT PLAYED BEYOND: TWO SOULS AND THIS IS NOT MY OPINION ON IT. I JUST FIND THE VIDEO FUNNY. Spoiler: Click if you finished the video It seems that Pepsi Next can give you an experience that Beyond: Two Souls cannot. I've tried Pepsi Next and unlike the contender, Pepsi Next makes you feel REAL ~emotions~. The joy of getting a Pepsi Next, the anticipation of opening it, the pleasure of drinking, the anxiety of it emptying out, and finally the forlorn yearning for another Pepsi Next. Those two minutes are a rollercoaster of ~emotions~ that Beyond: Two Souls cannot compare to. Maybe it has all of those, but not in the timespan of two minutes, no sir. This creates a much denser experience with Pepsi Next. Buy Pepsi Next. BEYOND: TWO LITERS Now only sixty calories.
Odd development. Not only will I, being of a weird mind that likes dubs more than subs, not have to wait a year+ to see this in a format I prefer, but it's actually releasing around the same time! From my favorite director! Hoping this sparks a revolution and things just start releasing globally like our good ol gamin' industry. ALSO YES I'M GLOATING