Because I did.
I was watching a video and one of the players said they looked up their last name n etymology and it meant something ridiculous. Feeling inspired and ready for a shaming, I went to the same site and got this as a result: Yeeeeeeep. That sounds about right.
It's good to see you back, sir! How was prison? Life changing? Before anyone asks and ruins the thread, Makaze was banned for taking the pre-release lighting out of Dark Souls 2.
Honestly, this is was a big a struggle and I got stuck at points. Specifically, when it came to tearing off the LCD cable. THANKFULLY admin @Misty saved the day by being my eyes. She kept watching two videos and instructed me very well. Helped me NOT tear the LCD cable (which almost happened.. a couple times) and kept me company while I fought the screws. So to reiterate, Misty saved the day and helped me feel very accomplished.... ...But she's brought me back here... At full capacity... FOOLISH
Anyone else have this paranoia?
About a week ago I got water in my ears, now whenever Iay down I can feel it moving around and sometimes experience a slight pain. Should I be worried? I can honestly say I haven't slept yet today because I fear I may make it worse somehow and if I went deaf I don't know what I'd do... It'd be like losing an ability that helps me enjoy most everything I do.
KHV mobile is awesome. It's one of the few mobile sites I go to and it responds exactly how it would on the full site- I always know where to go. That said I have two issues: 1. Menu text is too small. I'm including a screenshot of what I see from my phone when I try to open a list of locations. As you can see, it's tiny. I often misclick and go the video portal instead of the forums. Same goes for the user menu. Increasing the size would keep it unintrusive still and make it easier to get around. 2. A scroll bar in the quick reply. Sometimes when quoting a rather lengthy post, I click away and when that happens, and I'm not at the perfect place, I can't get back to where I was typing . I have no screen of this, but it has happened a few times and I have to restart my post. That's all I got for today. Toodles.
Suddenly, life has lost all meaning...
This isn't really a discussion or me informing people of anything, but I guess it could go that way. Rather, this week State of Decay is on sale for 50% off ($10 instead of $20) on Xbox 360. I've heard a lot of positivity around this title, but know nothing about. That's saying a lot seeing as I've played the demo. So, I ask the gaming section, who has experience with this game? Do you like it? What is it? What does it do? Why is it interesting?
I can use an app... to order pizza from Pizza Hut... using my controller... or even Kinect... The future is here. One device for everything. I will never leave you, Xbox.
At the beginning of the seventh console generation, Microsoft tried to make a strong push in Japan with exclusive games from Japanese developers and first party support to those developers. From this push, the Xbox 360 got exclusive games early on such as Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey, Tales of Vesperia, Ninja Gaiden II, Lost Planet, Dead Rising, Ninety Nine Nights, Raiden IV, Akai Katana, Beautiful Katamari, and more as well as lead development on character action titles like Bayonetta. Unfortunately, that didn't quite work out. The console never really took off in Japan except to the most "hardcore" of Nippon gamers. Now that the eighth generation of consoles has appeared, Microsoft is trying again to establish the brand by gathering a big list of confirmed developers. Source and full list. Speaking from someone who's invested in the Xbox brand, I have to say I'm very excited by this. The titles I listed above are all games I adore and are what made me jump from the PS2 to the Xbox 360 in the first place. While it didn't work out, it was a nice attempt with unintended results like the Xbox 360 being the console that was most often lead developed for. I'm glad to see that they didn't just... give up after that push and are trying once more. It probably won't work, but it'll probably lead to some great games.
Hey, remember that old rumor claiming that Atari ACTUALLY BURIED hundreds, maybe thousands, of copies of E.T: The Game after its poor sales a huge return percentage? If not, that's pretty much the entire backstory. The game was programmed by one guy in a very short, and rushed development time. Before, Howard Scott Warsaw, had single-handedly made one of the best Atari 2600 games on his own through passion, proper time constraints, and a good budget to keep morale high. Atari sought out Warsaw and gave him the task of developing the game adaptation of E.T: The Extra Terrestrial... in less than five months. This title would become the most promoted title on the Atari 2600 as well as forever stain the name of Warsaw and even led to the second crash of the gaming industry after a long history of pollution and poor quality upon release due to its widespread, poor quality. Consider it the final nail in the coffin and a direct parallel to why Atari ain't so hot anymore. In response, rumors spread widespread across both magazines, newspapers, and schoolyards that Atari FLIPPIN' BURIED leftover copies of E.T: The Game. After THIRTY-ONE years, these cartridges have been dug up. The rumors have confirmed to be true. We got him! Source and full story
>Paying for place >paying for food >Paying for Internet >Paying for heat >paying for electricity >paying for gas >Paying for water >Paying for car repair WUZDAT? AN XBLA SALE? HALF OFF OF ARCADE GAMES? indulgeindulgeindulgeindulgeindulgeindulgeindulge I just picked up Contrast, Final Exam, Moon Diver, and Phantom Breaker: Battle Grounds.
I feel there should be a pink name reward for this soon to be accomplishment. Whaddya'll think?
I hung out with my mother and step-dad after work today and told them my plans to be a youtube personality... THEY COULD NOT HAVE BEEN MORE SUPPORTIVE. I'M SO HAPPY. THE TENSION IS GONE. The lesson here is- make a plan, really make it really with a full course of action, and don't be afraid to tell people about it step by step. They will end up supportive because if it's what you want to do, and it wil fit you. They will see you in the spot of your completed plan because it just is you... To the point they want to help me move to L.A this Summer and give me a credit card with no maximum. Also, I drank a little :X[DOUBLEPOST=1389586441][/DOUBLEPOST]EDIT: Or a lot....
Welcome to the Lounge, your official Spamzone community thread sponsored by our co-grandmaster Plums. Certainly not, nondescript KH-Vidian! A community thread is a place for the Spamzone populace to gather and unwind. It's a place to just talk about anything that crosses your mind. Think of it like a group chat for the forums, only a little less chaotic. Goals of the Lounge 1. To be an outlet for short, spontaneous thoughts and posts Sometimes you just wanna share a video or an image you found funny, crack a small joke, or something similar that doesn't take up a lot of space. Before now, you'd have to make a thread; now you can just post here! It's quick, it's easy, and it'll help reduce clutter in the section. 2. To ease newcomers into the Spamzone This place can be kind of intimidating to fresh faces. It's a busy place, with its own culture and lexicon and a lot of unwritten rules. As much as people want to fit in, figuring out when and where to post can be daunting. Ideally this thread will allow newbies to jump right into conversation and get to know the vets and their mannerisms. 3. To strengthen the bonds of the 'Zoners Let's face it: Spamzone is host to its fair share of spats and squabbles. Having a place where you can detox, have fun with the rest of the forumers, and start up a chat anytime will hopefully help to make brothers and sisters out of us. Forge new friendships or patch up new ones - whatever fits your needs. Of course, please remember that the section rules still apply here: Be civil, be respectful, and don't go overboard. This is a relaxation spot, like you'd expect an actual lounge to be. You wouldn't throw chairs in the college rec room, would you? And that's about all there is to it. So without further ado, welcome to the grand opening of the Lounge! ~ Co-authored by DigitalAtlas and Ars Nova
and I'm already tired of it. Happy about certain things, miffed about other things and peeps just enough to not want to play vidya. I'M NOT READY FOR A YEAR OF INDIFFERENCE. So how do I get a do over like that Christmas Carol dude?
The feel of Steam sales. I've never been one to spend during Steam sales because PC gaming and I don't really get along since she got all fancy and our favorite hangout had to be destroyed, but today I just spent like $40 on XBLA games because of a big sale and now I have no fast food money till Thursday and I DON'T CARE. I picked up >Brothers: Tale of Two Sons >A.R.E.S Extinction Agenda >Charlie Murder >Flashback >TMNT: Out of the Shadows (because why not) >I Am Alive >Gotham City Imposters >Eternal Sonata >Trials HD >Castelvania: HoD On a completely unrelated note, I'm now "poisoned" on backloggery.
Nah, not really. I'm at work. Fuck post-Christmas retail. Hard. All that's been happening is mounds and mounds of returns and getting yelled at for giving them money back because people apparently don't have that right when it has a factory seal on it...