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  1. DigitalAtlas

    Well.... I don't have words.
    Thread by: DigitalAtlas, Jul 20, 2012, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. DigitalAtlas
    I just started and the battle system is faiiiirly complex.
    Thread by: DigitalAtlas, Jul 19, 2012, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. DigitalAtlas
    We should all be so lucky to be new to this game again.

    Thread by: DigitalAtlas, Jul 18, 2012, 29 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. DigitalAtlas
    This is such gold.

    Thread by: DigitalAtlas, Jul 18, 2012, 15 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. DigitalAtlas

    Back in January, Paul McCartney, one of the lead singers for The Beatles, announced he was going to be working on an unannounced game. Probably another Beatles Rockband game or something in the spirit of that, right? NOPE.

    Today, Paul McCartney tweeted "I'm really excited to be working on writing music with Bungie, the studio that made Halo." as well as the photo below.

    But this gets even better. The source document goes on to say that the unannounced title is in fact MARATHON. The far off prequels to Halo.

    This just got awesome, people.

    Tweeted pic: [​IMG]

    Thread by: DigitalAtlas, Jul 8, 2012, 4 replies, in forum: Gaming
  6. DigitalAtlas
    ...but I've already introduced myself. New username so I get newb rights, right? Awesome.

    So, I'm Shadowjak. I once reg'd this place when it was in its prime.

    "Yo old dude, what's the discussion value here?"

    Good question, young ward. My question for all of you is... Who's still here from my time? If anyone, for that matter. If not, I'm eager for a fresh start during my visit.

    EDIT: Also mods, if you're not cool with me here, feel free to tell me to skidoosh. No need for ban hammer, just tell me to take a hike.
    Thread by: DigitalAtlas, Jul 7, 2012, 27 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. DigitalAtlas
    Ya know, if that relic let out a light that cured cancer, mortality, and stupidity with one glance. Because I'm just STILL that awesome.

    First person to guess who I am gets me to stay here.

    Either way, love the new look boys and girls! Maybe I'll chill here for nostalgia's sake once in awhile.
    Thread by: DigitalAtlas, Jul 7, 2012, 13 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures
  8. DigitalAtlas




    Thread by: DigitalAtlas, May 4, 2009, 28 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. DigitalAtlas
    It's officially time I take my leave from this place for good. After one final week of seeing repercussions and getting contact info, I feel I've already over-stayed my welcome. Personally, I laugh. I can do nothing but just laugh out loud whenever I load up this page or see it in my recent URLs. Guess! guess why that is!

    Aww you can't figure it out? Fine I'll tell you: It is because all because of one inappropriate thread I have seen all of thy true colors. Seriously it's pretty amazing seeing all the reasons as to why you all come on here everyday just unfold in front of you. Am I going to get insulted for this? Hell yeah. Are you going to take what I'm about to say seriously? Hell no. Am I going to care within the next five minutes? ROFL! On a serious note, in this week what I saw was nothing but low blows and betrayal. I break up with someone who I felt I needed to end it with and feel the need to see if you are all pathetic enough to allow one thread about one breakup to sever all ties and make it THAT easy to leave. Honestly here, some of us were pretty close friends were we not? In fact, I can think of many people I know many more personal things about. Yet with one thread and one break up, you let that go away and say f*ck this? Hell even those of us that aren't so close had quite a few laughs and you let it go over one thread and one relationship end? That's pretty pathetic in my eyes. But then again this is the internet right? Where ideals of friendship and and closeness don't exist right? *glaring at all internet relationships and people contacting each other outside of here*. Lol seriously take a looong look at yourselves because if you would do that to your close real life friends then it actually explains everything which includes why you come on here so much. I have all the PSN and XBL tags of those I give two shits about and for those that haven't yet I'll seeya on MSN, you'll be unblocked. Later people. Enjoy the drama.
    Thread by: DigitalAtlas, May 3, 2009, 22 replies, in forum: Departure Hall
  10. DigitalAtlas
    Kayleah and I have broken up. Things didn't work out like either of us hoped. to prevent awkwardness and to focus more on real life I will be leaving here in about a week.

    That concludes the KHV drama report. Take care.
    Thread by: DigitalAtlas, Apr 29, 2009, 52 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. DigitalAtlas

    Once again...

    At this time everyday I am the only mod on. It is very tempting to flood and feel unstoppable for hours.
    How was your day?
    Thread by: DigitalAtlas, Apr 26, 2009, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. DigitalAtlas


    That is all.people expecting new should leave
    Thread by: DigitalAtlas, Apr 25, 2009, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. DigitalAtlas
    So I just bought a 2000 points card for the Wii so I could give Sin and Punishment a try. I have 800 extra points which is enough for an SNES game and their are two great classics calling for me and I have never played either. So which should I buy: Super Metroid or Super Mario RPG?

    I'm a big fan of the Metroid Prime series as well as the original Metroid so of course I feel the need to try Super Metroid yet I am also a huge fan of Paper Mario and of course classic SE so Super Mario RPG also feels needed. Both games are considered damn near perfect and some of the greatest games of all time and both get even reviews on every site.
    Thread by: DigitalAtlas, Apr 21, 2009, 6 replies, in forum: Gaming
  14. DigitalAtlas


    Look at the results you will get with our new scientifically proven way to quit drinking and shave off those extra pounds!

    Thread by: DigitalAtlas, Apr 1, 2009, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. DigitalAtlas
    I flooded DA's thread on the spamzone and he decided for his final actions he'd call me a complete knob in my title, give me an epic post count, raid my bio and say I'm female along with saying I love cock in my sig?

    Great times.
    Thread by: DigitalAtlas, Apr 1, 2009, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone