u seem so happy whn u leave...anyways bye and see'ya soon
hello there =D its nyce to meet u too ^^ n i'm thnk u,how about u?
ahah nehh not really hehe thnx n nyce to meet u ^^
heh u like to animate eh~ hehehe anyways hello and welcum have fun here dnt worry its a friendly site here so yaa~~~ soo again hav fun enjoy!~!
hello aqua-chan ^^ welcome to da site lyk they say read da rules,post alot and all tht~ but remember hav fun while ur here!~!~! and enjoy~..
hihi~ nyce to meet cha' owh,well...hav fun !
Hi there ! welcome to dA sIte here Narez~~ hope u'll hav a great tyme here~!~!~! ^.^
hi'ya welcum to da site =) well,thn i dnt much to say but enjoy n hav fun here ^^ see'ya~
hello there =)
thought ur actually a nobody O_O jokin hehe =) anyways hello there KaiRule ~welcome~ to the site n to the forums well..its seems u been lurking around already so~....i'll jus tell the basic read the rules (unless u already read thm)....post alot~, meeet new friends and most of all have a lot of fun here ^^ see you around~~~~~
?????!!!!!!!@#$%^&*()_+}{":?><$~`1234567890-=\][';/.,$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ xDDDDDDDD ahahahaahhaha just actin random
XD hahaha owh well ^^ dont worry i baked some more ^^
*yawns* i'm bored...*kicks can*
..... i dont really have anything to say bout it.....
great! how about u RoseRiku? any excitement goin on yet?
i'm fyne thank u ^^ how about u ??
hmmmm ntng much?? u??