mmmmmm...oh,well i guess we're gonna think of sumthng..mmmmm....i'm out of ideas nw.. >_<
hehe soo wat happend if actually ur name was roxas hw wuld u react?
=) oh u lyk anythng dark eh?
hy there =)thnx 4 addin me in n nice to meet u darkrikuofdarkness
hmm jus normal sme lyk always i mean good i'm good ^^''
hehehehe okk no 1 is postin since da last 2 months nearly 3? O_O ahaha~
huh?! okk.....
uhuh ^^ *nod* *nod*
hehe :D how r u?
haha woahh really? haha cool tht wuld be soo nice! haha xD
yup i also agree wif XVTheLightofDarkness n the others also tht it was marluxia
hey there Melissa hehe nyce name ^^ n wow u lyk anime alot cool =D anyways hav fun here melissa n enjoy~ ~See'ya around den~
hi there *joins in*
uhh i dunno bout tht.. i kno its REALLY been awhile since i last log in to khv n looks lyk while i was away.....i knew dis wuld happen if im not replies!..*sigh*
well,hello there ^^ hehe nyce to meet u n thnx 4 addin me in =D
hehe thts good ^^
wow~ thts really great 4 ur skool ya'knw hehe so lemme guess whn it starts already ur gonna join rite?
hye ~welcum to da site Scatty~ hav a great tyme here at kh-vids..
hello there blizzard~ well i'm not really gonna say about wat u shuld do here since other members already said it but anyways hav a great tyme here!! =D
mmmmmm..ok i bout u?