Ah hello there~ welcum to the forums and have a great time here at kh-vids
hmmm well nothing much right now mostly the same tht is...how bout u? anything new interesting stuff?
i knw right...*sigh*
hi'ya....mmm ntng much goin on u?
well actually i have but i'm just too busy too upload it but maybe i'll upload it later...haha xp
ahahahahaha XD well good luck then~~
Hye there ^^ yea its really been awhile...I'm fine tq how about u?
haha hw are better ya'knw i'm currently having mai exam actually xp
heh i see sorry for a late been busy lately..
woah really? welcum to da group btw
woah..i see soo ur parents only kno death note? or wat?
Mmm ,owh well 1 thing for sure good luck workin on it ^^
hello there =)
aha.. well at least there's some then none ^^
ok..^^'' oh ya 1 more thing welcum to da group sayuri~^^~chan =D *gives cookies or lollipop* (which ever u lyk tht is)
haha lol oh really hmm wat happen if it actually happens?! xp
ahh i see..well luks lyk its da sme 4 me too...cz i haven't done anythng much lately..
hyee i'm fine ^^ u? hmm jus kinda busy cz of skool..u?
haha well thts true anyway xD
hello there =D