hahahaha~!~!~!~!~!~!~ ^^ Wc~
hahaha yea!! xP *gives cookies* want some?
hahaha owh really? *catches u* hehehe *poke*
ahahaha xD *sits down*
hahaha !! *poke wif stick* r u tht dead?
XD tries to catch u *run faster* *catches u* haha!! *pokes*
hahahaha xD *pokes back*
hehehe =D hw r u?
mmm yup ^^ i usuall play basketball n badminton how about u?
haha woah really? but for me i lyk checkers better...haha..mm i lyk to play the guitar n piano mostly..and i dunno if i shud say the rest xp
....... if it ever will?
hahahaha ok~~~ n*gives some sorakairilovers* hehehhe u wnt the large size or medium? ? hehehe~~ i hav noo idea..
mm dunno~~ things~~ ahaha u first~..
haha thts true tho'
hahahaha u ask me n yet u also dnt knw xp
ehhh? O_O thts sooo random xD i dunno XP
Hi there~~ ^^
hahahaha xD tht was freaking stupid LoL
hahaha i see....
ohh well....get well soon ook?!!