I'm finally home
Yeah we are ready for the punch line As long as she is a nice giant hairy spider. I would sex the butt of yours do you how do. Sure but you're paying. I have never given that a thought. So I have no idea. Ever growing. Three feet a second. It is in all-knowing and soon the world will be under its control.
Put your faith in the booty
First impression: She likes Dr. Who a lot. Now impression: She likes Dr. Who a lot. BUT ALSO a pretty cool person in general. (if u guys can't tell, impressions aren't my strong suit) I much prefer anime to ponies.
Hacker dude, yo. Like 18 Yes, with all my heartu
First impression: this dude seems pretty cool. Now impression: u my main woman. Seriously though, you're a great person and I love you. c: wtf is a Nar--oh....you know, I have never actually given it much thought. I'll go with Naruto and be a lamer. Least is probs Orochimaru tho. Never did like him and his tongue and snakes and ...stuff. "What. No. WhaRT. UI AHATE ATHIS IM DONE. WHY DID YOU PEOKLLE MAKE ME WATCJ THIS?S>SS???@! I DKJWFKJK " / rubs my nipples FAVORITE SONG? A SINGLE SONG? ARE YOU MAD, WOMAN!? I'll go with this: Pff hell if I know. Oh. Learning how to use the Internet, because I've made such wonderful friends.
1. You were an annoying member obsessed with time. 2. Well, you still like time, but you're not quite as annoying anymore. So that's a plus. 3. Sure. 4. Why would you ask that questiooooon? Favorite staff is Jayn/NarutoSuperKubii. Non-staff...Korosu/Kelly comes to mind. I love u all tho 5. 20 and red. 6. Refund. 7. Refund.
First impression: idk some guy who gets along with Jayn??? Now impression: good 'ol Jeffy. Cool dude. Likes comics n stuff. If you wanted me to. I don't normally read comic books, but anything for u. Okay, I'll try. I'll be your ginger anything. <3
there isn't a single question in this. I demand a refun-- Ah hello, welcome to the most wonderful salon in all the land. I'm your barber, Jake the Bake. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the movie. First impression: some dude who likes mlp and wants to shove it down everyone's throat. Now impression: some dude who's pretty cool and doesn't want to shove mlp down everyone's throat. Anime? Never heard of that style for hair, tbh.
I'll go with a solid Fairy Tail or Steins;Gate. Either works.
dire need
let's find out
he's beat you to that
you're a banana
to 50, hooo
here kelly boomp
i love you