idc if it would look dumb pff. try not to worry so much tho
you can't mark it out or get a new card?
happy birthday h y u g e h u g e y h u g e y happy birthday gey
without coffee
c'mon it's not that difficult accepting that Juki is always right
too erotic for me
i've only played through XIII and cheated my way through XII so idek
> 21 killed ...okay
Agreed, cosplay Asuka.
me too
and that's half off
Oh nvm you're far too scary then.
I couldn't help but notice you've searched nyan cat Also, for the blue torrents are A+ quality rating, green is trusted, and red is like remakes. White is just there. Color coding help.
a totael lamer-0
Do you want to fight?
I think you'll find this hip new site,, to be the obvious choice.
I think your eyebrows, hair, or teeth have some sort of disease. I refuse to touch your diseased balloon. Thank you.