Being in chapter 4, I have no idea what's going on in this thread.
I like just looking through the forum list. it's what I'm used to
because it's the page I'm on most of the time, but as I've said before I check around other parts of the forum every day to see if anything new's...
impressions, if you got any? i bet you thought i'd ask you a game related question, didn't you? well you were wrong, right? concede and bow down before me? wait a minute that second question technically was a game-related question wasn't it? you win this round, libre.
I do that every day
i don't like bananas though
I do that too because I like it. also to beat bosses and enemies sometimes
the raw flesh of a virgin may taste delicious tho. have you tried it?
you act like that's rare from Juki or something. she is the baddest bitch in town
why did you actually take the time to link every one of those posts
Rolling for doublescoop.
what are you talkin about
you do now
thank u and yes the character is. Juvia.
post here
Didn't work when I tried it with nova, huh. But my Norende is complete so idrc anyway. But you can add me if you want, FC: 2793-0597-8742
Adding friends doesn't add population to Norende.
It's not like I'm posting here because I like you or...or something.
you don't have the guts. because I ate them